make my mark

Listening to: webpage class
Feeling: sinful
im gonna stop lookin back and start movin on and learn how to face my fears love with all of my heart make my mark i wanna leave something here overall...that was a good weekend! saturday i woke up and did absolutely nothing. oh yeah i went furniture shopping with my mom lol and that was cool. i like picking out stuff for our house..thats the only time my mom really listens to me. so then later i met up with kt and rachael at panera and we sat outside and talked, and called max. lol. then i had to leave early to babysit these 2 girls for leah while she was on her way home from the lake. then i walked home and got ready! then me kt rachael max jack conner went to alexs house! we all just sat around and talked and played pool and they shot off fireworks until they got yelled at...then i had to leave and then rachael slept over and we talked to conner pretty much all night long hah goood convo i suppose. rachael does not hold back thats for sure! then i had to go to church on sunday morning. had to listen to a man talk about good sex for 1 hour. thhhat was weird. then i went to service with alex john and max and we made little footballs and got bored! then i met up with rachael duh and we just walked back and forth to each others houses and then we talked to matt and played basketball for a while. i made a nice SWISH shot :] then we went back to my house i changed...went back to rachaels she changed clothes. then laurens mom took us to maxs house [coolest house in the world ] i love his house! went on the swing with katie! hah that swing is awesome you can fit two people on it! thenn i went on the ATV with max!!!! that was AWESOME really scarry but still awesome :] then i went on the swing with john-o and chatted with him...then i had to leave =( to go to gayyyy church for england training.was bad in the beginning b/c mom was being mean and once john got there i just went off with him and left my mom and it was better. then me and john sat in the gym by ourselves lol b/c we dont like anyone else :] jk we do. thenn that training. EEeehh! no blow dryers or straighteners. its gonna be interesting. im excited about the trip to just be there and stuff....but not excited b/c i dont wanna be away from everyone here for 10 days!! im getting sick which is JUSTTT awesome?! so stear clear from me :] was gonna hang out with nicole this weekend... but we never did but we prolly are this weekend!! thatll be awesome...i miss that girl. she is hilareous!!!! im so freakin glad the group hung out again this weekend. well everyone cept lauren and john lol. it was awesome being with all of them again i missed them. i love all of them sooo much!! they are the greatest people in the world i lOVE ThEM
Read 4 comments
waddup?? this is pretty sweet!! i like it..keep up the good work..k ttyl or ur sitting right next to me so ill talk to u like now..k bye!
well everyone cept lauren and john lol... uh.. thanks?
[Anonymous] with jenna on that one.