
Listening to: jojo
Feeling: dorky
wow today was boring! mrs gammill is the worst teacher i have ever had its insane! rex called me stupid today! lol! omg me and lauren were talking about our food days on our countries...and she said this... LaUrn178: haha u have somethin gay like africa right? Em SwEeTiE 89: kenya and uganda LaUrn178: HA HA what r u gonna make they eat dirt haha wow that was great! omg shelli's haircut is so cute! i love it! yeah anyways! today i dont have that much hw cept math which will be hard! i think im gonna email my teacher and complain! im sure she'd love me telling her how bad she is! but how could she not know? lol me and lauren were being so mean to her in math today! lol it was the same time mean! ok maybe it wasnt lauren and it was just me! lol! but whatever tomorrows friday!!!!!!!!!!! that makes me sooo freakin happy i need to go shopping for something to wear to the HHS game! got any ideas~tell me :-D gonna go start math hw! ugh!!!!!! PERMIT IN 53 DAYS!!!!!!! TENNESSEE IN 15 DAYS!!!!!!
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