
Feeling: aggravated
heyy! today has been so much fun! first i went to east side from 9-2! and colleen, kelsey, vicki, natalie, and rachael were there! it was fun! we did all the games and stuff! haha! then conner was there with his sister and they were soo cute! his little sister is the cutest thing! they both have blonde curls! he was like holding her hands...and putting her on his shoulders! gaw thats so adorable! so i talked to him for a while...then at 2 collen, kelsey, me and vicki finally went to panera (which reminds me i gotta pay back vicki) because we were STARVING!!!! lol! and then we shopped and tried everything at AE practically! lol! then we met up with emily shwartz and hung out with her and her little sister for a while! then i had to leave! then i hung out with carrie and austin...then hung out with suzy at my bros football game! ..where i lost my cell phone...yet again! i think thats the 5th time this week! omg im so tired! i stayed up till like 2 talking to conner l. last night! he were both like "omg im so tired" lol so i was like oh what the heck ill go to bed! lol! im really frusterated! all my friends are being really mean. and its really makin me mad! luckily im going to tn in 5 days..and i can just hang out with my favorite person, basically my twin, my cousin! and she help me through it! b/c shes like my other half! yeah but i mean i guess im gonna talk to colleen about it! becuase she always makes me happy...and she makes everything so much better! i dunno what i would do without her! yeah but i dunno---seems like everything is fallin apart! oh well--guess its meant to be! ok now im really p.o.ed! SOMEONE is tlaking to me about how its okay to go to stuff with other ppl...and leave the other person to hang out with other ppl!?!!?!? NO ITS NOT!!! Em SwEeTiE 89: yeah i came to the game with ** last night---and she totally ditched me SOMEONE: not really we all just wanted to kinda hango out with other people u no SOMEONE: its not like she ditched u Em SwEeTiE 89: no it kinda is... SOMEONE: no like i dont get y it matters and stuff cuz i didnt really hang out with ** and other way around but we dont care i dont get y it matters so much with u BLAH!!!!!!!!!!! i guess im insecure! but then again---im the only one that tells the truth! k bye im so mad
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dude it is saturday. I almost typed starbucks. jeez wow.