
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: worn
hey ok RACHAEL AND VICKI...I AM NOT ANOREXIC, please! lol! now im about to go in just until 9:40 for my comp tech final! thats retarded!! so...adding more...after finals iwent to the mall with my sister to get michael and his siblings presents b/c michael is getting me n preston some ..weird! so then my sister picked up leah and they went to perimeter b/c north point sucked. so then laura took me to the avenue. where i met up with the cruel rachael lauren and jenna. and the whoooole time they just HAD to make fun of my big head, large feet, and everthing else imaginable. joyous. so then after about 10 minutes they decided that they were bored. so we walked to laurens where a dog followed us home. then once we arrived at laurens, we were told to take it back to the house. so we walked (more) to the house to return the ugly mutt..echeem. soo then we went back to laurens and watched a cinderella story. that is an amazing movie. but, lauren had left to go to the ortho, but we still stayed at her house to watch the movie. and then we left and went to starbucks where we met jeremy. cool kid. hes funny. so then me n rachael left. and then i ate dinner. and then talked to michael. and then discussed to my mom how i should be able to have rachael over. but shes at the gym. so im gonna call her later. b/c i think my convincing worked. i got a 100 on my comp tech final today. wahoo. im a comptuer nerd officially. so tomorrow i go in for both finals but heck itll be cool. r l and j are staying too and im pretty sure conner is!!!! lol so thatll be fun! i love these getting out early things on finals. its nice!! so im gonna go brush my teeth.
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yuhhh huh =) --rachael
hey emmmmmily! im fixing to take my webpage design final..HAHA but its funny bc i will be able to get right back on here! -L-