
Listening to: taylor swift!!!
Feeling: torn
hey yawl! well today was pretty darn stressful! my ss project was so hard...and turning it in was worse! my teacher was like "emily is this salad supposed to be so dry" and i was thinking omg please just shut up and eat it already! and then in lit i fell asleep and emy o like slapped me to wake me up! thanks em--i love you! lol! ok and then in math mrs gammill...sucks! so i dont understand anything! i was looking at taylor swifts website all during comp tech! shes so friggin gorgeous!! she makes me so mad! lol but oh well! last night kristin i/med me! it was awkward but shes acually really nice! im glad she had the guts to i/m me! lol i would never do that! hmm what else happened today...? lunch was the same ol! cept today hannah said something about me being fat..and i was lke "fine now ur gonna make me become annorexic" and she wa slike "youll still have big feet" i love you too hannah? lol! wednesday i get my permit and my passport :-D:-D!! yay!! i love katie (this girl in my homeroom) today we were tlakinga bout how die hard christins bug us b/c we feel like the devils next to them..and i was like "yeah i know dont u hate it when u have to sneeze in the middle of the FOREVER long prayers" and shes like "yeah i know and they all turn around and they are like GOD BLESS YOU" ahahah and then she was like "yeah i had a friend like that and when ever i was around her i was like holy shit and god damn it!" gaw she is the funniest person...in my homeroom that is! one day i wanna read all these entries! that would be entertaining! im gonna go...later!!!
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cute diary.