half day

Feeling: torn
yo! today was blah! it was 1/2 day so it wasnt too bad but im still so tired! i went to bed when i got home--and i woke up at 4:30--but you know when u wake up and u have that panic attack that you are missin something. i thought it was the next morning and i was gonna be late for school and it was scary!lol! but then i saw my bro playing xbox-which hes not supposed to be doing-yeah so i was like um ok im NOT going crazy! and i hate mrs. brooks@ shre is amking us finish this book that NO ONE has read by friday! yeh friday! then a little project thing is due on monday aabout it! and it just plain STINKS!! well im gonna go talk to conner and april, because i have nothing better to do! -em-
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u cheap piece of meat :)