
Listening to: JOJO
Feeling: aggravated
AHHH!! dont you hate it when your "best friend" totally ditches you...yeah um i do! so tonight i went to the game...hung out...cleaned it afterwards (which was acually fun) and came home and talked to rachael, conner, and ..umm someone else! but tomorrow im going to east side with some girlies to help at their fall fling! itll be really fun! im excited! omg i found $5 at the game today!! its my lucky day! ---well okay just that part! and tomorrow im also getting my haircut..and SHoPPING! yay! i love shopping---espicially when i have money! its great!! im too mad to talk really! i met louise tonight...nice guy! (sisters friend) hes cool! yeah um and i ate MnMs...and trail mix! omg i have to go talk to my real friends...or im gonna die
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