lifes crazzy

been a pretty boring weekend lol. friday i went to chilis/movies/waffle house with ko sam phil katie jenna rachael christy sam april and caleb. was alright...nothing great! deff missed conner :( rachael slept over and then we went to taco bell haha to get some foood. today mom woke us up and then we went to hobby lobby and boring places like such to get graduation invites for my sister! theyy are SO cute! =) that took forever and then we had lunch. then we looked through all my baby stuff like my clothes from when i was little and all that good stuff! thenn rachael came with me to babysit b/c shes awesome! we are still here and its pretty boring! we just got done pretty much devouring their food and earlier we jumped on the trampoline, played capture the flag, and chased ducks. pshhh fun?! kid is such a freakin annoyance tho! we had to FIGHT to get him upstairs..that sucked. happy 3 months lauren and jeremy! yall are adorable!! i wish you many more! lol LOVE YOU LAUREN -EDIT- alright. so that weekend was by-far the best?! sarcasism it pretty much sucked saturday me and rachael did absolutely nothing and then babysat at night. kids were annoying. then went home and then slept. sunday we finally decided to get out of the house and went to the avenue. that got boring. we went into the freakin furniture store there..that says a lot. then my mom picked us up and then we worked on my sisters invites...b/c there was nothing better to do. then i did my hw. then i went to england training while rachael sat in my room and watched a movie. church sucked. we did nothing but watch little kids sing...waste of time big time! thennn i went home and me and rachael watched a show where this guy could suction 6 coke cans to his head (can man), girl could make pankakes with her hips (human mixer) and a guy could spin his kids on this wood peice (dunno his name) then rachael quized me on my maps...ended up studying the wrong thing! then we talked for a little bit then i went to sleep. woke up to my loving boyfriend calling. gggoooodmorninG haha guess that was better than an alarm clock. rachael didnt think so. then me and rachael went to school. so this totally sucks. no ride to the baseball game on tuesday b/c it just so happens my pop is getting sugery that day. then my mom has to be with him b/c he gets pissed at everyone when he doesnt eat. so this "liquid diet" is going to suck for the whole family. pretty jealous that lauren got to hang out with her boyfriend... considering i didnt see mine at all that really sucked!! =( im defintally hanging out with him sometime soon tho for sure i miss him...even tho he doesnt think i care about him almost died of laughter reading rachaels comment... so this has been the funniest WP class. i just told nicole to move her mouse up and she literally lifted the mouse off the table. faggot. then i asked her if she read my diary i said " did ya read it or skip over it b/c it was too long" she said "it was kinda too long" hahaha what a slacker. me and rachael have done didily squat on this packet. we are sittin here laughing. best class ever. pah
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thanks emily!!!!
it was so fun this weekend emily.. so fun ♥ BJ
didily squat
^ ♥ that word!
I MISSEEEED U TOO. i hope u and conner hang out soon =). ♥