
Feeling: bored
heeyyy! yeah omg im bored! after school i went to azoni's with katie, shelli, vicki, sam,phil,terry,nicole,megan,jenna, erik,april,and SUPPOSED to be conner but nooo he didnt come! ARG! lol! yeah it was for laurens bday!!! she was so shocked---i thought she was gonna kill me! lol! but yeah it was fun! then icame home and talked to rachael,listened to CMT...then played nintendo. and i figured out how to set the eel free which i tried to do FOREVER at my cousins house! yeah so that was good! lol and now im sittin here drinking water in my purple tinkerbell pj pants, with my hair half up sittin cross-legged! now that everyone knows whats going on....they know how boring i am! welll this is cool! im frickin burning up! its like 100 degrees in my house alrighty tootles im wiating for SOMEONE to get on yeah ciao
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