semi formal night

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: happy
haha me and lauren had a funny night! ok so lauren calls me like 1 hour before this thing and asks me to come to her lil dance thing at her church. so i found a dress in my closet, and I drove to her house :-D! and then we got all ready and searched for her camera! aand then we went to vickis pic party! her house was incredibly cute! and then we went to the catholic about weird! it is incredibly diff. esp the communion...i was like um ok! so i did this X with my arms, and i got blessed! haha! but after the communion i was like balling! it was really sad b/c i kept thinking of my cousins and how hard it must be right now for them. and i think lauren thought that i was dying. lol. ok and then we headed to the dance. that was very interesting. there were no seats with vicki and them so me n lauren sat with colleen and some guys. thomas is the funniest dancer ive ever seen! hes a mix between santa clause and a person having a sezier! the poor poor kid! thennn after a while we got kinda bored, once they started doin the lip syncing thing. but it was almost over anyways! but overall it was pretty fun! haha much better than doing my hw! well im gonna go! TATA!!
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