hmmm... ever notice how some peoples diarys are like totally addictive. like u read one entry and u keep coming back *often*
it could be the layout, the colors, the way they write.
but yea i caught myself doing that lol!
but then theres some diarys out there that totally turn u off.
and ur sitting there looking at it like wtf were they thinking? or the way they write its so boring and if u had to sit there and listen in person *ur absolutly sure they would be mono-tone LMAO!*
i duno... guess im just sayin this cuz i just read a really boring really dreary type diary. and not dreary in a good 'dark' kinda way.
well im dumb.
cant sleep
18 tomorrow
bryan cut his hair.
im scared 2 see it tomorrow :/
dont wanna go back to school
hate my sis living here
hate coming home
only live 4 the weekends
that is all
3. brown vs. blonde. where do you stand?
-voice ur opinion-
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