[music]-[lying away from you-LP]
i just woke up and looked at the tv.
the last halloween show till prolly next year was on :(
thats depressing.
i miss it sooo much already!!
but i got a lot out of it this year. did about everything i could.
candy apples carving pumpkins trick or treating scary movies and all.
i never did get to go to the rennas. faire or damn jasons woods but ill live.
next big holiday is thanksgiving WHICH IS MY 2ND FAVE HOLIDAY!
i love piggying out! watching the parade and the thouht that once im older ill be spending it with my bryan and our family.
this year i wanna eat with his family =) they are more a family to me than my own :/
welp i just changed my icon for aol. its a turkey hehehehe its sooo cute :)
ooh and bryan came over last night but not 4 long
but that qualifies for another holiday we spent together. damn we've only missed the 4th of july in a whole year worth of holidays!
he left me 3 newports. awww happy halloween 2 me. ha.
well anyways leave some comments.
and i updated [cutmedeep] & [sk8erwh0re]
wow yea! im cool! lol
ps. im getting used to bryans 'lack of hair' lol im starting to love his new hair cut! its so adorable, he looks sorta prepish but its fab! lol -i just miss running my fingers threw it when were kissing or 'making love'- hehehe
12. whats your favorite holiday?
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