Listening to: end of days - vnv nation
Feeling: illuminated
ok ill update what ive done since friday:
oh friday i went to school. i got 75 on both of my unit tests in math and social. i was happy with the math, but dissapointed in the social. i went to the mall after school for a bit with laura and laurie. and then went home and fell asleep while reading harry potter. i woke up and my head was actually stuck inside the book, because i guess i was subconciously trying to save my page haha. i showered. then went to a toga party at bretts house. i was all toga'd up and i thought it was gonna be really fun. but then.. girl fucking drama. it was not fun after. i drank my sorrows away and then went home. went to sleep. and woke up prety much every hour of the night. woke in the morning with hangover and badddddd cramps. i started my immense homework load, and talked to laurie on the phone for a bit. and linzy on the phone for a bit. me and linzy got ahren to pick us up, and then we went to DQ and i got a moolatte=) it was de-lish. then we went to brookes house and chilled. and we decided we wanted to go to laser quest! i was so stoked. i fucking love laser quest. so we get there, and we could only do the iron man (which lasts for a half hour). we were all for it until we found out it was $11. and since none of us have that kind of money, we played the arcade games for a while and then went and had a snowball fight in the parking lot. it was so fun. i actually fucking love the people i was with. they make me laugh so hard and we dont have to drink to have fun, even though its fun when we do. i wish i could hang out with them all the time. we went back to brookes after a bit and just chilled in his basement and listened to some beats. then me and linz got picked up and went home. and now im up to the late of hours of the night wasting my ife on the computer. i love nights where im not drinking, but i still manage to have to most fun of my life. i wish life was always like this. i wish people didnt need to drink all the fucking timeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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