silly billy nilly barf.

i feel like absolute shit. scum shit. barf me and then lick it up. eeeeew. ------------------------------------------------------- yes, barf. i cant believe how unwonderful i feel. i watched supermodels all day long. i feel like the ugliest thing ever. i feel like my stomach is philbur from rockos modern life. i feel like i never want to leave my house.. actually, i do want to leave my house. i want to go to someone elses house and sleep in their bed forever. ahhh, cool, unslept-in bed. sounds sooo good. i want it to dissapear. it's all make-believe, isn't it? i dont know how to move. i cant think of anything that would please me much right now. i know that i want to get out of this house tomorrow though. i dont want to cook so much frikin breakfast anymore. maybe if i hang out with someone worthwhile theyll make me want to laugh and say silly things. silly billy nilly. ------------------------------------------------------- i am horrible.
Read 5 comments
I know exactly how you feel. Some days it's almost too much to even get dressed.
...You want to look like super-models do? Are you sure you want to spend 30 grand on surgery, get fake teeth put into your mouth, and wear enough makeup to drown a small child?

Super-Models = fake.
looking like a supermodel would be waaaayy to much work! its not worth it...but yea everyone has those days =/
im sorry you feel horrible.. but i love your journal haha -kim