
Here's the thought: "They look good, what if they're better?" Here's the thought in response to the first: "No one can be better." There's nothing mind-stretching in my head right now. I don't even have the desire to stretch my mind. My mental power is at a low. I write terribly, I have no thoughts that are especially intelligent, and I'm not looking forward to learning any new things. Hmm, perhaps this is the effect of strenuous amounts of school. I swear, your immaturity is dragging me down. I don't feel smart at all and I want to run from this place. I want to be smart again. Perhaps if you cloned yourself I could surround myself in multiples of you and everything would be okay. PS: I'm getting the Sims2 today
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ego can send your intelligence into a slow descendance. not datalytical intelligence your unity as a human being. your mind cant expand because its
imploding on itself. you have to have a general love compassion and optomism for the human race. no matter how little the energistic beings you are
encountering. you are sensitive to them and realize you can grow even more from embracing that rather than shutting it out because its not enough. it
is then in which you will be capable of swimming with the bigger fish in the pond you were born to belong to. i love you.