a hahahaha weekend. i get away with ALL.

when everyone on the active user list's names have 4:20 by it, it just seems like the whole fucking world is stoned. holy shit. that just made my fucking day. this weekend was... what can i say? it was tooo great. yeah, its kind of like that. number of things i got away with this weekend: well, about 5. everything went beyond good on friday. is that fair? shouldnt ONE bad thing have happened? well, we had to go home. i guess that's one bad thing. no its not, we still had fun at home. FRIDAY was a day of wandering, i cant believe it happened. feels like an adventure. money pops in and out of me and kelamies hands like nobody knows. SATURDAY was basically lay in bed and watch cartoons and freak out about a bird day. and then we had to get dressed. and it was gooooood. i wore all of kelamies clothes, and i think i almost felt sexy. yesss. the rest of that night was a complete wonderful blurr. SUNDAY was the sneak out day. and then sleep till two day. now im home. news: im going to stop tutoring. what does that mean exactly? that i can do whatever the fuck i want afterschool again. my sleep schedule and even my eating schedule are fucking screwed up. at least i stopped taking decongestants so i can sleep on my own. but now im even eating weird. i didnt eat anything on saturday except candy bars that night. and i havent eaten anything since then. i dont have an appetite. and theres still thc in my system. whaaaaaaaat???? angela anaconda is really really weird. catdog will never find their parents in that episode. a complete waste of an hour of cartoons. i have a nasty cough. oh boy.
Read 7 comments
cough from too much tokin?
first off you are cute as hell! look at your cuteness in that picture OHMAHGAHHH! second off i had so much fun! you are so mellow its radddd! lets hangout more often!
I was really really close to using that image of the covertible and pink bra flinging on my journal about two days ago. Amazing that you just happen to be using it.

You have a lovely smile. Very exuberant.
i like that picture up top a whole hell of a lot, that one with the car and the bra and the arm and the symbolism and the personification and the depth which i am sure few comprehend
is that you? just a question???