Ashes, ashes, they all fall down..

Feeling: pained
It's been a while since I've done a rant. Let's do a rant today, mmk? Today's rant subject: Men. I hate them sometimes. I especially hate the younger ones. Just because they're guys and have broader shoulders they think they can just boss us women around. No. Not going to happen. I especially hate egocentric men, like ones who think 'oh, duhh, gee, sorry' fixes everything and you love them again. no. Big news to what's-his-face-he-knows-who-he-is. I'm a terrible liar. I only never lie to people I care about. You are not one of them. Actually, I could care less about you. So stop thinking everything's hinky-dory and I'm okay and you're okay lalala let's go out for icecream. Just get off my case, will you? I don't want anything to do with you. I have other priorities. I have a potential boyfriend. I. do. not. want. to. deal. with. you. at. all. I also hate men who beat up on women. Because most men are cowardly jerks who want to always feel stronger than everyone else. Stupidstupidstupid. WHat would happen if women just stopped dating all the idiots in the world? Then we wouldn't marry them, then they wouldn't have idiot offspring, and they would eventually go the way of the dinosaur. AKA--extinct. Wouldn't it be nice to only have nice, smart, cute, INTELLIGENT guys to date and to marry? Wouldn't that be *awesome*? So what's with all the idiots? Ugh. okay. I'm done. I feel better now. =0) Matt's doing okay. I don't want to sleep at the barn again. My stomach still hurts.
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is this aimed at me.........dreampainter....... aka stephen k.