Missing my milk and cookies.

I spent a Normal Summer Day at the barn today. by Normal Summer Day, I mean it was a day just like any other day during my summer months: I wake up, go to the barn at eight, and stay until someone remembers I exist and brings me home. Usually that's around six. But I don't mind. If I'm economical I can ride Matthew twice, bathe him, ride Riley, ride whoever else Diane needs ridden, bathe whoever else needs bathing, clean my tack, water the barn, and feed lunch to the ponies...and still have time to fish in the pond and tan a little. Fran told me today I need to stop spending so much time at the barn and more with my friends. I was like "Erm..." I have my first lesson with my new trainer tomorrow. Actually, thats trainers. Mr. Ford and his wife both teach. so i'm riding the boys for them tomorrow. I pray matthew'll be good!!!!!!! I hate judgemental people, who make you feel bad about what you think and by voicing their opinions on their disdain for you seem to expect you to change how you feel. Or what you think. Or what you do. I am going to "surf the net" for some Nuriko pictures now. Maybe I'll make a new layout. Nuriko is king, fools.
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hey have u ever seen the movie enternal sunshine of the spotless mind b4? lol ur username reminded me of it tangerine...just wondering lol.