
"I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want and I will answer it. Then, I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything"
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what makes lili tick?
why does lili hate men so much?
whos your daddy?
Haha, I'd be wierded out by an eighteen year old who came up to my belly-button.

1)what time is it in Austria?
2)Am I drunk?
3)Are you bored, I'm kinda bored, are you bored maybe?
1) If you do hate men, what could make you stop hating them?
2) Where did this whole question thing start?
3) Are you an otaku, and if so, what's your favorite series? (I am, that's why I ask.)
score i had this on mine! i dont know u but ill do it anyways
1- favorite color
2- favorite quote
3-if you could pick any song to describe ur life what would it be?
p.s.- ur background is amazing