Ohhhh hahahah.
They can keep me away, but they can't keep me away forevah! Yeah. I've been MIA. :O
Anyways, the story is that my parentals went borkers and laid down the law, so i was under house arrest for weeeeeeks until i wrote up my science project proposal...blahhh, but that's so boring, i procrastinated and just did it an hour ago...
I changed my mind, doing consumer product studies now.. it's boring and kind of stupid.
It's very cold outside, yesss. I love it when it's cold. I just don't really like being out in the cold.
You know what? My horse show sucked eggs. It was terrible. And ugly. And terrible.
And ugly.
And--oh, you get the point.
I miss my Sei. Where is you, Sei?
I wanna argue with Lena. I haven't argued with my pal Lena in a long time. :3 <
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