And so it starts all over again, this moronic game of high school infatuation. Fuck this shit, as a movie star might say. I don't even care--or so I tell myself--and thus we have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis and therefore conclude that with a p value of approximately 6.7E-45, we have approximately a 0% chance of Liliya Plotkina ever being capable to have a romantic relationship with someone she likes and have them like her back.
I can totally see myself this nun. Or a hooker, whatever. The two extremes.
I brought a big box of photos from the basement and I think I'll sort myself to sleep. Also we're selling Matthew because I've outgrown him (not physically, mentally) and need more of a challenge and fancier animal to win on in the next three years.
Je suis desolate.
I am apalled and know not what to say!
*is ashamed*