oh, stop pretending when they say you're nothing

You know, Lili's "love" life (put into quotes since she is making a mockery of the one she thinks she has) is like this huge Ferris wheel. I was reading old entries and found my obsessive things about Grant and I was like woah. You know what would make my day? If he liked me back. Oh man, that would make my day. Am I not exotic enough sometimes? Note to self: think up ways to be "exotic". ***

10 Ways to Be Exotic, to be continued in the next ten entries

1.) Wear a fruit bowl on your head. 2.) Wear a fruit bowl on your head, filled with fruit. 3.) Dye your hair green, pink, yellow, and purple. (this might actually be cool) 4.) Wear ruffly clothing 5.) Spray tans...except really dark so you look like you just came from Venezuela. 6.) Wear huge banana yellow heels (no comment.) 7.) Burst into flamenco dance every time someone says "hola"; have a friend play the castanets. 8.) Wear big ponchos. (the REAL ones, not the sissy ones) 9.) Sing every response you make 10.) Make a whole wardrobe from duct tape, and then wear it *** But i worry about Mr. French class. Oh I, I have been good I understood Like a machine I'll fix you from the start...
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You win...a million fake dollares.
how to be exotic....

wear dark makeup
Your forgot:
11. Wear earmuffs.
12. Shave off your eyebrows.

Then,the ENTIRE world will be like "wow. That's exotic to the MAXX."
Because it is.