I want to learn to dance

CLUELESS. makemygray: i want to take dancing lessons but no one will take them with me because everyone is too embarrassed or thinks it's dumb makemygray: i find that a little sad makemygray: besides my parentals i mean, and i am not learning to dance with my dad makemygray: i still haven't asked any of my guy friends, but it's not very likely makemygray: i'll just dance with myself Sei Shunu: heh Sei Shunu: what kind of dancing makemygray: i havent looked at the classes offered yet..i want to learn to ballroom dance (like swing, salsa, etc) makemygray: and i mean makemygray: none of my girlfriends want to come...i know you dont care for dancing, and laurens like IM SO EMBARASSED makemygray: and kerry gets a case of the shifty eyes when i ask makemygray: gigi lives too far away makemygray: everyone has an excuse makemygray: and if i ask grant everyone'll think i'm hitting on him Sei Shunu: eh Sei Shunu: some people just don't like things makemygray: yeah, but it's a little stupid when every single person around you happens to hate the exact things you love man makemygray: and i think makemygray: that its not that some people dont like things makemygray: i think that some people refuse to try things makemygray: like lauren and yoga. thats a good one. makemygray: and this whole dancing class business. Sei Shunu: I guess I. HATE. when. I. give. clues. and. drop. hints. and. no. one. even. notices. And you know what? Not only do you GUESS, but you KNOW. Because I'm fucking always right. Especially when it comes to us. How tired are you faithful journal readers getting of hearing about my friend's shortcomings in my eyes? Why won't anyone dance with me? If I ask him, will HE dance with me? Note to self: Get flyers. Note to other selves: I know I didn't ask you. I was simply using your names to drop hints. Sorry it didn't work. makemygray: i find that a little sad.
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