Birthday on Monday...

Feeling: happy
Friday I rode home with Sei. Hah. She thinks it's funny how I call her Sei. She also thinks how I call her baka-san is funny, but it's an affectionate, friendly term of idiot. Heh. Well. Yes. Friday I rode home with Sei. Her mom is so nice. Her puppies are adorableness. Her house is niceness. We went online for a bit, then went downstairs, watched a lot of TV and wrote our story. Stayed up until five AM, went to bed downstairs: me on the couch, her on the armchair. Woke up around eleven, to her parakeets screeching, stuck them outside, wrote some more of the story after we had breakfast (her mom's a great cook) walked the dogs, watched Kung Pow for the bajillionth time, watched Dance Fever, i stayed for dinner too, and then I went home and are now online talking to each other. I was so angry last night. We were watching Animal Cops Houston, and I nearly went into a white rage because of the owner of this poor emaciated mare....who was in labor. I cried a lot then, and Sei crawled up next to me on the couch and hugged me and said it's okay, she'll be okay, and I said thank you and she said That's what friends are for. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I have a friend. A real, honest-to-goodness friend. Living, breathing, human. It's a miracle. Kung Pow gets better every time one watches it. And I've decided I only want to be friends with Josh for now. I can't spend my year chasing after guys when I have more important stuff to do... I only got five hours of sleep last night, I am so, so tired. I miss Lena. I should do an entry for Mina. Eh. My birthday is on Monday. I expect nothing. My mommie got me the new Ariat field boots. The 500 dollar zip up the back kind. I was very "wow". I'm so very, very happy. That's what a good day off does to you, I guess. Well. Time to go work on TIAJ. Yeah. kiss...kiss. ~Lili, who heard a beautiful song about God today and cried.
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ur right. but it still sux. but i guess i am used to it. : ) ~Luci [charmedone132989]