A stupid day

i was driving home from the avenue and a little grey kitten rolled out of the bushes, and i panicked because it was dying and its spine was broken and drove home. and then we called the vet. and we took it and put it to sleep. and it was awful. we buried it in the garden. and i was upset because how could god forgive me for leaving that little grey baby kitten out in the rain? it was awful. the worst part was when i was holding it in its little box and i could hear it trying to breathe and i can remember the way it looked at me... i wish i could have not panicked and had called my mom when i first saw it. it was so tiny. my riley has grey hairs all over him now that weren't there before and he's stiff now. I feel awful. it was a stupid day and i hated it. Rewind half a year...
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I am going to give you a hug ASAP.
People do things they regret, but don't regret all the things they do.

I live in a cemetery full of good will and integrity