
They say everyone has one, and I wonder if it's possible to get mine in a dream. I think mine came in that one dream where I was standing in a dark, dark nothing, and an angel was before me, and he said "You can go to heaven now, or you can go back down to Earth." It scared me so much I woke myself up in a hurry without making the decision. How can you ask someone to choose between life and Heaven?, I asked. Heaven is great, Heaven is fine, but Heaven sure is overrated...and what if my loved ones aren't there when I die? Just imagine how they would grieve if I left at the age of fourteen. No, I chose life, because I care about the people around me, and I cling to them, they are my joy and my anchors that hold me to this world. I love you, God, but most of the time I'm just scared stiff of you.
Read 7 comments
Okay! Sounds good. And now my padres are talking about gettting a horse -_- who knows if that's gonna happen - my mom always gets these crazy ideas. Yeah.

Neat0 light shirts? Lol sounds fun!

Have an awesome day now.
Lillers. pull another stunt like that and i'll...just...send you back a comment. ya! wat now! well looky here, be Nuriko. (Lili- *duh!*) well stay away from dark water know the rest...chow or..whatever you say in where is it? Russia? vedy vedy far away, no?...Oi. well, uh,...I'm running out of words so...uh...bye!
Isn't that the basis of religion? A fear of a higher power and the control that they have over peoples lives? People so scared they won't get to be with family and friends in the end that they devote themselves for that promise, but nothings for sure. At least thats the way I see it...I dunno about the rest of the world.
Guess who's back.
You wouldn't talk to me. Meanie.
If you dig it up then it's not as neat and pretty.

Ha ha.
Haha, my family doesn't predict what will happen to me when I'm 20, I suspect they don't think I'll live that long...haha.