They say everyone has one, and I wonder if it's possible to get mine in a dream. I think mine came in that one dream where I was standing in a dark, dark nothing, and an angel was before me, and he said "You can go to heaven now, or you can go back down to Earth."
It scared me so much I woke myself up in a hurry without making the decision.
How can you ask someone to choose between life and Heaven?, I asked. Heaven is great, Heaven is fine, but Heaven sure is overrated...and what if my loved ones aren't there when I die? Just imagine how they would grieve if I left at the age of fourteen.
No, I chose life, because I care about the people around me, and I cling to them, they are my joy and my anchors that hold me to this world.
I love you, God, but most of the time I'm just scared stiff of you.
Okay! Sounds good. And now my padres are talking about gettting a horse -_- who knows if that's gonna happen - my mom always gets these crazy ideas. Yeah.
Neat0 light shirts? Lol sounds fun!
Have an awesome day now.
Ha ha.