Friends are smart.

I had one hell of a day. This is going to be a nice, safe, boring entry where I don't randomly babble in nonsensical poetic verse and metaphorically refer to everything from the moon and back. Shit, I just did it. I promise that's the first and last in this entry. Anyways, I woke up around twelve, and went straight to the barn to load Riley on the trailer and drive down to Autumn Chase. Oh. Jason's selling Autumn Chase. It breaks my heart every time I see that sign. But anyways, loading Riley. Yeah, so we pull him out of his stall and immediately my mom attacks him with Betamine and Pepto Bismol (so his tummy doesn't get upset.. yeah, we're fanatics. Each one of our babies gets it three times a day, before trailer trips, and at shows.) and stretches that his personal massage therapist showed us. Why don't *I* get a personal massage therapist? So after the bitter Betamine and the nasty Bismol, he's exceedingly nasty, and nearly takes a chunk out of my arm three times as I brush him and wrap him up. Loading was no problem, driving was no problem, unloading was okay. Then the temperature skyorcketed to 99F and Riley got in a classic "I'm going to pretend to be young and stupid and continuously twitch at everything and kick at you when you try to saddle me up" mood. So there was a battle involving carrots and a crop and some sizable bruises on my shins. But we did eventually get the saddle on. And my lesson sucked eggs. UGH. Brought him home, Matt snapped at me, I bopped him on the nose, got squealed at. Everyone's in a biting mood today. Gah. Then I tried to call Sarah. But she wasn't home. My life reeks. Oh. And my parents are trying to make me a model. Go figure. Good night.
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why are they trying to make you a model?


i think it would be fun.
he is a sweetie. you probably are good looking if people say that. there's no reason that they would like. i have long legs too. i'm like 5'8 or 9" sometimes it's nice, but when i want to wear heels... it makes me self consious when i tower above everyone else. :) but it's okay. there's surgery for that.


just kidding.
*there's no reason that they would lie.