Listening to: Lucky - Britney Spears
Feeling: screwed
This is one of her better songs.
I'm getting an eighty nine in math. That means no computer ever again, or something close to it. Progress reports monday, if I don't come online that's what's wrong with me.
Um, I deleted my illegal kazaa...yeah. I have like, 456 audio files. It's funny.
Matt's a bundle of nerves. jeannine annoys me. She says I couldn't handle her animal.
What-ever. Her animal is what, 14 hands? Mine are 16.3 and 17.2(.3? still growing.). One's four and off the track, completely insane. Plus all the experience I have with Willow and Moe..
People make me laugh.
My life is sooo boring.
Going to Sei's tomorrow, sleeping over. I'll tell you how the last 27 episodes of FY are, okay? Especially when it's six in the morning and you and your best friend are high off of Hagen Daaz coffee ice cream...
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