
Listening to: ordinary day_vannessa
darn...I wanted to listen to my song...but I guess I have to sing it instead. bah hah! Just a day just an ordinary day just trying to get by, just a boy just an ordinary boy... take my hand live while you can yay! I have a crush, a boy who likes me back actually. see, I was supposed to go on a date with him on saturday, but sara and derek decided to be gross and sneak out and derek got caught and grounded. jerk. so...we cancelled. oh...I liked this one too. He wore a pink shirt today, it was nice. yay. um...I had a wonderful day! I was determinded to have a good day. so, i made it happen. I made myself pretty-ful! I wore my sparkly shirt and my hair in ringlets. but they died. that's okay. wow. and umm. went to early morning devo today! we sang "I believe in Christ" I was kinda...not in the group, aubree's friends came and I always feel like a dork around them. and skooter was in there, what a cutie and spencer...and their chickfriends. then zach stole my mallets, he is a doll. um, seminary was fantastic too. oh, and 2 hour. *wink wink* I told everyone in drumline class I dont think I'll get asked. haha...that's what Emmy did last year and skooter asked her! well, skooter wont ask me...but, a girl can dream! mmm, homecoming...I want to go...but I have a competition that day... I'll have to go with someone in the band...or someone willing to wait all day until I get home. mmm, I want to be asked to a dance. I've never been asked to a dance... life is good... I'm so glad the prophet challenged us to read the book of mormon. I've never really...loved it like this. Then I started reading it again! wow! I'm glad I have bro Lowe, but I volenteered to be i the special needs class, I think it will be good for me! I hope, and I want to serve.
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