Listening to: Punk Rock Princess-Something Corporate
Feeling: playful
I'm home now. Just finishes watching a movie called Party Monster. and loving it. such a good movie.
Today was exactly like i thought it would be, boring and dull. i feel like my life is a repeat of the day before. because everyday is exactly the same. I did my speech today,it was about piercings. it sucked ass.
Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, you will never be accepted for who you are? It's like no matter what i say i am still the reject. Society sucks. Last semister i had gym. and my teacher hated me, because i don't run. i can't run very far without having to stop because i am not fit. and she hated me, said i wasn't trying, said i was making a mockery of her classroom. Which was a lie. she made me feel like shit every single day. it was bittersweet when semister 2 started because i missed the new people i met in that class. but i am glad i don't have to see that fucking bitch everyday. she sent me out of the class for saying jesus christ! i had to go to the office! and i got a 65 and my friend got a 66 even though she was sent out of the class everyday! i know why. it is because i am fat and she is a fucking stick. People are so fucking superficial. it's disguisting.
I wrote something in my first entry that disappeared and it was like, a girl can be a fucking bitch but still be lusted for and popular as long as she is beautiful/"hot". and a jock can be loved by every girl because he is the "big man on campus" and still be as fucking dull as a post! its SO stupid!!!!
this is REALLLY STUPID when a guy is fat he is "huggable" but if a girl is fat she is replusive,and disguisting. That is NOT fair.
I Am SOO glad Martha Stewart was found guilty, that stupid rich bitch made millions by gluing a pinecone to a tree and calling it "decoration" stupid!
My dinner is going to be ready soon, i am having spagetti and meatballs. not gross not amazing.
i need a garge band king :'(
put a left arrow before the word script at the beginning and another before the "/ script" then just put in your bits where it tell u too
hey to put a pic at top all of your entries u need to upload one first-in image manager, then go to preferences and the header picture box and put in the pics link. i had loads of trouble only certain pics seemed to upload on mine!! good luck!!! xxx :)