Listening to: n/a
Feeling: crappy
i went to bed late last night. i had a horrible sleep. i never have good sleeps on sundays. i am in tech right now. it's 8:18. i feel sick, my side hurts really bad. i am not sure what its from. today it's suppose to storm this afternoon, i hope it doesn't, or at least it doesn't storm until i get home. i hate storms sometimes. i am really weird. i worry about everything. i hate being this way.
I am still angry about the uniforms. i think its disguisting how they want to dress us. uniforms are so dumb.
i watched 4 movies on the weekend. my favourtie was "The Good Son" it has Macaulay Culkin and Elijah Wood when they were like 13ish. it is a really good movie i recommend it. i also watch "My Girl" i couldn't watch the end it was way too sad. it also had Macaulay Culkin when he was like 11. he was such a cute little kid. I also watch Le divorce which was pretty good and had alot of french which i understood {Thank You 4 Years Of French Immersion and 4 more!} and Sliding doors, which was pretty cool. very english.
I got some SpongeBob pjs on the weekend. i feel bad about it. i might have to return them if this guilt doesn't go away.
Man i really feel like crap. i wish i could stay home but i stay home 2 days the week b4 easter. my mom won't let me stay.
I have to finish my math at lunch. it's only have 2 questions i didn't get done last night. i just had the worst feeling in my back lsat night and the math was frustrating the hell out of my, so i packed up and got into my pjs and watched tv. i fianlly got in bed at 12:00, but i had a restless sleep.
I hope my friend comes over. i like it when she does because i never see her. i think we have a better friendships. its stronger then ever now a days.
My bunny Keano is getting bigger. he's 6 weeks now. he's so active. i am going to take him out and let him hop around the spare room. he likes that.
wow still 30 minutes of this crappy class left. i hate tech so much. i thought it would be cool. i was wrong. i thought it would be a blast, i was wrong.
I hope i have a sub today in French, thats always alot of fun.
My eyes are hurting, too tired to write anymore.
-Chelsea xoxox