Created by BourdiezFreak and taken 21332 times on bzoink! | |
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: | Good Charlotte |
Are you female or male: | Riot Girl |
Describe yourself: | Screamer |
How do some people feel about you: | Secrets |
How do you feel about yourself: | It Wasn't Enough |
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: | Predictable |
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: | Ghost Of You |
Describe where you want to be: | Meet My Maker |
Describe what you want to be: | Change |
Describe how you live: | Emotionless |
Describe how you love: | My Bloody Valentine |
Share a few words of wisdom: | The World Is Black |
Listening to: It Wasn't Enough - Good Charlotte
Feeling: lousy
i like that survay thing.
I just wanna live