Listening to: n/a
Feeling: tense
have you ever had one of those days where you are just so screwed up and then u have two people constantly bothering you?
She says its pity that i want. sure, i want you to pity me. if i wanted pity i would have my real name on this entry. all i wanted was a place where i could type what i wanted and not have to feel like someone is judging me. is that too much to ask. i mean seriously. i guess it is. because i feel crappy so i type what i feel, and i get riduculed for it. if i wanted pity i would scream it from the mountain tops, i dont want pity. i would like someone to love me. i would like someone to understand me. but i never ever wanted anyone to pity me. so if you do. don't. i don't have it as bad as someone else might. but i just want to be able to type what i feel.
i won't apologize for feeling the way i do
i won't apologize for being who i am.
I will apologize to anyone who took offense to the swears in my last entry.
But i will never apologize for typing it. because that is how i felt last night.
If you hate me. hate me. thats fine. just leave me alone and keep it for yourself
How can someone call me ignorant when they don't even know who i am?
:: d o n e ::