{.144.} Fucked.

Feeling: secure
i dont feel good today. prolly because of last night. which was fucked. man. it was fun. but it was fucked. i was fucked. ahh. lmao. this whole weekend has been shitty. like totally hellishly shitty. i wish i was dead. really i do. god. dead girls dont have any pressure. dead girls are fucking dead. rotting in the ground. no homework. no boys. no family. nothing. just the fucking dirt and the maggots. and the fucking loss of hope i already have. god. i feel like fuck right now. i want to just crawl inside myself and die. it feels like i already have. i have absolutly no hope anymore. no intiative. nothing. just a great big fucking weight on my shoulders that i'm totally FUCKED. and that's all i have. no love to fucking help me. no people there to help me. no god there. just me and this fucking blinding pressure. i know i caused most of it. i fucked up alot. a hell of a lot. like with math. i totally gave up with that. i'm a fool. fucking retarded. FUCK! Of all the things I've believed in I just want to get it over with Tears form behind my eyes But I do not cry
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But yeah, don't worry bout the thing with your sister, I understand why she said what she said, its ok. The only reason I was mad is becuase I thought she was judging me for bein gay...and it gets old, ya know?

Anyway...I love you heaps and bunches and piles, lol ;) and I like the stars thing, lol. It was cute!
Aww, sweetie *hugs* you shouldn't wish you were dead, dead people can't have sitdiaries!

And I love you...dunno if that helps, but I do.

*hugs* I hope things get better.
yay, i made you feel slightly better! go me! *jumps for joy* *trips and falls* aww...

lol sorry, random moment, they hit me sometimes ;)

trust me, theres always someone that cares. if you ever doubt that, all you gotta do is ask me. i care about you...trust me, i dont lie about things like that. just ask someone that i dont like, lol. i don't mess around, if i dont like someone, they KNOW it.

but i ♥ you, dont worry, lol ;)
im glad things are blowing over. yeah, i tend to end up in the middle of everything sometimes too, lol. it sucks.

and... i love you this -> ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ much...+3