Listening to: Pretty In Punk - Fall Out Boy
Feeling: moodless
Look At My Emo Glasses Ma!
how do i look? Horrid? of course! that's me.
Replusive Mystery
Well...there is a dance on friday, which i will not go to. but that's ok. i'm going to the party after, and bringing some vodka and rum. yum. LETS GET HAMMERED so i can forget about all the fucked things in my life.
Today was pretty useless. it's so fucking hot outside, but guess what? i'm incapable of wearing just a t-shirt. because i am pyscho.
i'm so sick of thinking about love. fuck love. i hate it. i don't even know what it is and i hate it.
i have to babysit on saturday @ 7. which i great, because i love fuckin babysitting. lol. that's one thing i can do well. i think.
Well. french mass was good. i saw someone i haven't seen since october. which was cool. then i went with giselle and them and met angela's new bf. then i had like 3 cigarettes and tried weed for the first time. evil child i know.
i'm sick of writing love song/poems. really am. and sick of heartache poems. bullshit. i want to just crack open my head and rip the asshole out.
i'm sorry. but they are. omg. i am in love with them. lol. if you haven't heard them...go hear them bastards! lol
i hate his fucking name. ryan
Angie's bday is friday, which is mostly why we are getting fucking trashed.
[[ So, bury me in memory. his smile is your rope, so wrap it tight around your throat ]]

uhm...I can't really explain it all on a comment thing, if you want, you can IM me sometime or something?
[andweareforever - screen name]
♥ Alex
but tell me what you want to know how I did what, and I'll e-mail it to you
my e-mail is - DarkSekretLovex3@aol.com