My newest hat. this picture is also very emo, apparently. That chain around my neck, that was
his . God i need therapy.
Today was bullshit. absolute bullshit. just when i think things are getting better for me. just when i think i have a chance for happiness. it blows up in my face. My friends suck. She treats me like shit in drama, and it's like she doesnt give a shit about my life anymore. I have to practicly beg her to talk to me. School is shitty. i'm going to fail french. i'm totally fucked. totally fucked. Family, i hate'em sometimes. i went to sears today and i couldnt get any pants cuz it's a SKINNY PREPPY SLUT store. fuckers. I couldnt get shoes because again, it's a PREPPY SLUT store. and of course the final piece of my SHIT BULLSHIT life is that again ryan is being unreadable. fucker. I called him today and he wasnt home, so pfft. then @ like 8 he calls me, "he just got home" and then we talked and he was just i unno. friendly? like. i dunno. that spark flirtiness is gone. i have no idea what's going on. i was a
FOOL for thinking anyone, anyone could actually like me. could actually give me the time of day. fuck i'm retarded. "i'm respectful" bullshit. god. i'm a loser. i need to find something else to do. i have to find something else to occupy my mind. god dammit. i'm like screaming out for help, and guess what, no one cares.
-Pretend this razor is your lips You're finding ways to kiss me [ways to kiss me] Deeply on the wrists
and i doubt ryan wants you to forget all of your morals...and if he does end up asking that of you, then seriously, you dont need him, cuz thats something that only a real jackass would do.
*hugs* don't worry, things will pick up soon. you just gotta wait it out.
*hugs* i love you to the max!
aww thank you love :)
ehh well about me -- to make a long story short .. this boy i like well i was at his house and [ ahem cough* i think you can figure it out ] .. well i supposedly told someone ( whom i didnt tell cause i told NO ONE! ) .. and he found out and now he HATES me .. im soo upset and he wont even talk to me .. i have to make him listen and tell him its not so yeahh :x
aww, im already married to Hayden, so you cant be
i wont share! lol
i love him too much!! haha
i dont think you know the degree of my obsession lmao
yeah, the way i look at it is, guys are stupid. when they hurt you, its because of their stupidity, not because they meant to hurt you. but girls...they mean to hurt you. theyre conniving little bitches when it comes to dating them...well, some anyway. theres also some totally awesome ones out there, you just gotta find them is all ;)
anyway, dont worry so much. things will pick up *hugs*
Oh yeah, and nice hat, lol.