survey thinger

Feeling: sinful
LAYER ONE: -- Name: Becca Lauren -- Birth date:January 28 -- Birthplace: St. John's hospital, St. Louis Missouri -- Current Location: Fenton missouri gay suburb of stl -- Eye Color: brown, sometimes lihgt sometimes very dark -- Hair Color: look at the picture -- Height: 5'5 1/2--done growing -- Righty or Lefty: righty -- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: in order of how much...English, German, Cherokee Indian, Alsace-Lorraine, Irish, other types of Indian -- The shoes you wore today:my nikes...very old, but so broken in that i wont get rid of them, they are just so comfy! -- Your weakness: little to no self control, set myself up to be hurt, succceptible to depression and negative thinking, many fears -- Your fears: being alone, emotional pain, trusting people, my stomach dropping, losing those i love, fake santa clauses( i know its weird...i used to make my parents sit on his lap with me, and now i dont want to becuase its some old guy wtih a suit on), spiders -- Goal you'd like to achieve: be happy, live life, get rid of my fears, get married and raise good kids LAYER THREE: -- Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol -- Your thoughts first waking up: ...just 5 more minutes -- Your best physical feature:i like my high indian cheek bones haha -- Your bedtime: none, i deal with the consequences of how late i go to bed by myself -- Your most missed memory:the beach LAYER FOUR: -- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi twist and vanilla coke -- McDonald's or Burger King: burger king's fries, mcdonalds burgers -- Single or group dates: either? i like it if my freinds are with me tho -- Adidas or Nike: nike -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither -- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla -- Cappuccino or coffee: cappucciono LAYER FIVE: -- Smoke: have before -- Cuss: when i am pissed -- Sing: yes -- Take a shower everyday: pretty much -- Have a crush: sort setting myself up to get hurt tho -- Do you think you've been in love: maybe..but if i was it was with the wrong person -- Want to go to college: yeah -- Like(d) high school: not really, cant wait to be away from here -- Want to get married: if i can find the right person -- Believe in yourself: not really -- Get motion sickness: not really -- Think you're attractive: not really -- Think you're a health freak: no -- Get along with your parent(s): not really --- Like thunderstorms: i LOVE storms and i LOVE rain...when i am in stl i sleep best during rain, and one of my most beautiful memories is sitting on the beach at night crying and watching a thunderstorm that was out to sea -- Play an instrument: i play piano, but i used to play violin, trumpet, and french horn at various times in my life LAYER SIX: In the past month... -- Drank alcohol:no, been sober for almost 4 months -- Smoked: no -- Done a drug: not really -- Had Sex: no -- Made Out: no, im not as much of a whore as people at my school think i am. -- Gone on a date: yes -- Gone to the mall? duh. -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no, im trying to lose like 3 pounds -- Eaten sushi: ew no -- Been on stage: yes, but it was a rehearsal -- Been dumped: nope -- Made homemade cookies: cook? thats funny... i can make pancakes and that isbaout it -- Gone skinny dipping: nope LAYER SEVEN: Ever... -- Played a game that required removal of clothing: nope -- If so, was it mixed company: see above -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes -- Been caught "doing something": yes -- Been called a tease: no, just a whore -- Shoplifted: no, i havnt shoplifted in my life -- Changed who you were to fit in: yeah, but not lately LAYER EIGHT: -- Age you hope to be married: 20s -- Numbers and Names of Children:i dunno for guys names but for girls names i love Wynter, Ember, and Avery. m Wedding: nothing real fancy and expensive...hopefully on the beach...i dont want a huge rock on my ring. i just want someone to love me unconditionally, and never hurt me. i dont want any extra money spent on me, just for unconditional love..that is harder to find than money. by the way, i do not believe in soul mates anymore. how do you want to die? happy, painlessly...if there is pain i want it to be for saving someone else. i want to die knowing i lived life as best as i could. -- Where you want to go to college: somewhere not near my parents -- What do you want to be when you grow up: im thinking an architect, or something to do with psychology, but i really wanna be a choir teacher -- What country would you most like to visit: Great Britain, but id love to see all of europe..gotta wait till next summer after this for europe tho, i heard that the euro is like 1.20 of our dollars for one euro, and that is expensive...things over there are already expensive... LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl.. -- Best eye color? dont care -- Best hair color? dont care -- Short or long hair: as long as it looks good -- Height: taller than me -- Best weight: WTF kind of questions are these anyway -- Best articles of clothing: '' -- Best first date location: '' -- Best first kiss location: im hoping that means for a couple. id say the beach or making out in the rain...ive only really had one first kiss wiht someone that was really memorable...i was walkin down the beach with this guy in gulf shores named matt taht was 15, and we got way far away from my hotel to the point where there werent really hotels anymore, and i said we shoudl turn back. he agreed. but since there werent many people there were a bunch of seagulls and i couldnt help but run and make them all scared and fly away...when i ran back to him he swept me up and kissed me. ones under a boardwalk on the beach are nice too. lol. too mushy for some i guess, oh well. LAYER TEN: -- # of drugs taken illegally: does alcohol count? i guess not -- # of people I could trust with my life: 3 or 4 -- # of CDs that I own: nto many, i need a job -- # of piercings: 5, used to be 7, stupid things got infected and closed up--all on ears by the way -- # of tattoos: none...YET. im getting one in the next year or so -- # of scars on my body: many -- # of things in my past that I regret: many...a lot of people tell me i blame things on myself that are not my fault, taht i like carrying the weight of hte world on my shoulders...but i regret a lot of things just the same. i feel like i am gonna puke. i have since last night. goodnight all. ly me
Read 6 comments
"i just want someone to love me unconditionally, and never hurt me. i dont want any extra money spent on me, just for unconditional love..that is harder to find than money."
I liked that, I just thought it was a beautiful way of answering the question.
good answers ....ure answer to the best kiss location was the best ever...kev
mmmm... evanescense is ill.
I wasn't accusing you of accusing me of plagerism lol.. uh dont worry about it. You can make pancakes? i love donut shaped pancakes... but i hate donuts. Fuck donuts!

Heart ken
im gonna do this and i will and if u dont like it thats okay same thing as before, i can take it off. HA!!! im being real weird dont think im mad or anything or you know what..i am one stupid person!! and if it was someone elses idea thats cool too!!! luv ya