first day back (ehh)

Listening to: switchfoot
Feeling: happy
i made a new diary, it is illneverbgoodenuf, and it is only for pictures. due to the fact that i cant get more than like ten on there at one time, ill just post different ones every week, or when i get around to it. its snowing! woooo jeez louise. first day back and i an essay, a huge packet to fill out, and math problems. i just love school. next party: january 30th. ive been feeling stronger in my religion lately. i have no idea why. on the way home from springfeild yesterday, i saw a sign that said something like "love your babies, born and unborn Our Lady Guadelupe is for life." and i just felt this overwhelming love for everything and everyone. i felt like if a random stranger was about to get hit by a car, i would risk it and push them out of the way, because i loved them so much. i felt love for my family, my friends, the poor, the sick, babies, and old people. for everyone. but mostly for god, which i guess is normal, since God is in everyone. "Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky.' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you." the feeling grew, and grew, and grew, until i started crying in the car. have you ever felt that? its like extreme happiness and love, until you feel like you will burst with happiness, but then on the edge you can feel that you arent good enough, that you arent good enough to have someone die for you. my new years resolution is to become a better christian so that i deserve to wear the cross around my neck. im not like imposing my views on anyone, i just hope everyone finds where they belong. i think i have. i gained weight over break. i think im going to go on the special k diet until i can happily wear tight pants again...and ill run some too
Read 14 comments
i wish it was snowing here. oh geez.

my first day back from break isn't over yet, it is still 6th period, yuck, i wish it were still break. today has gone by so slowly.
no bueno.
hope yours went well, and thanks for asking about mine, you are so the sweetest ever.

stuff happened lately, i will email you.
hello love, thanks for the nice note, and it is going so slowly, i have a hell of a lot of homework to do as well, and i have a permit test to take today and i have to get my cds from seans house and i am going shopping, oh geez, busy day
not always a nice person, really. but a realistic one and an honest one.

i'm glad i seem nice though. it means something to me
special K diet?
special K diet?
Hey, thanks for the advice. :-) I'll try to follow it.
i dont remember what my entry was about, but generaly it all leads to me TELLING everybody things have to change, the rest, is probably details and dead ideas...
thanks a billion, and you make me feel better, you are one of the key people, so thanks.
hey, did you get the cd's yet?
you are welcome and thanks. and i love you hun.
haha, just chose one to write about. and i sent you an email.
oh shit, jk, i didn't send it yet, well i did, but it was sent back to me, what is your email address again?
lol yeah lunch was fun...except that robert kid, is that his name? he bothers me. lol oh well no biggie ill deal with it hehe. ya, my hair used to be streaked then just regular highlights but i got sick of the upkeep and i hate when roots i just dyed it back to my almost original color...woot... k well ill cya tomorrow
My name is Becca too! I thought that was cool...Anyway, I went to St. Louis for vacation last year...Super awesome!!!! Nice diary!