galapagos tortoise pornography

Listening to: my dog crying
Feeling: disconnected
^^kelsey wanted me to put this on, so here it is. kelsey is on the left and courtney is on the right. i have no energy, but i dont feel like moving anyway. i have nothing to do. maybe ill do those black and blonde tips on the ends of my hair tonight. sometimes i feel like i understand something completly, and then i dont. i even voice my opinion about it and find out that its something completly different. i hate it when its like that. any time that i feel like i have something very useful to say i dont usually say it, because it usually isnt what they are talking about. i have nothing to do tonight. no homework. no piano. just nothing. we learned proxemics in school, and now i know why i hate crowds. its human instinct, to hate being around a ton of other people. a long time ago humans blocked their senses, to deal with being around other people, to a certain extent. if they hadnt everyone would be able to smell other peoples emotions in a crowd. but people dont like having people within their intimate zone (18 inches out from the body) except for those they know very well like friends and loved ones. and when people are in a huge crowd, where everyone is shoulder to shoulder, they stiffen up their muscles giving the message "i dont like this either, so lets just pretend we arent touching." i do the stiffen up thing. i didnt realize that until we learned proxemics. i hate crowds, i hate the suffocating feeling of having people all around me pushing at me from behind. ill get over it by the time im 17, so i can go clubbing. more pictures are up on my other username. ____________________ 10:30 i dyed my hair. i think i like it, i did the ends black, i think its cute. or maybe im forcing myself to think its cute since its permanent. lol, it looks like a fox tail when i put it in a ponytail.
Read 2 comments
i love crowds. just the atmosphere of it. but im just weird like that. hehe. turtoise pornography hahaha!! -sare
thats awesome, black tips are always sexy- i think at least.