...next time wont you sing with me

Listening to: pink floyd
A - Age – 15 B - Booze of choice - smirnoff C - Chore you hate – cleaning my room D - Dad's name – steve E - Essential item you must have – strawberry flavored carbonated water F - Favorite Food – different types of icecream G - Game you like – gta vice city H - Hometown – fenton I - Instruments of Torture – erm...tickle torture? wtf lol J - Job of your dreams – travel photojournalist K - Kids – can be quite annoying. i hope my husband likes kids and has a lot of patience. because sometimes, i really, dont. L - Lyrics – dreamer, ozzy osbourne, and big yellow taxi M - Mom's name - janette N - Number of people you've slept with- O - Overnight hospital stays- none. P - Phobia – pain Q - Quote you like – im not sure. every ending is a new beginning, and i have no idea who said that. R - Religious affiliation – not sure yet. part of me is leaning towards athiesm, part of me is leaning towards wiccan. part of me isnt leaning at all, and doesnt really care. S - Super power – i want to know what people are thinking, and know the future. T - Ticklish? – oh gosh, yes. everywhere. U - Unique talent – erm...? V - Vegetable you refuse to eat – eggplant. W - When I grow up- i will be much more free than i am now. X - X-rays you've had – teeth, and something else, i think, but i cant remember what Y - Yummy food you make – pancakes! thats the only food i know how to cook that isnt all out of a box or a can lol Z - Zodiac Sign – aquarius _____________________________________ i kinda feel bad for my family's/my old church. they keep sending me things in the mail, and email (how the eff did they even get my email address??) about how they hope to see me at church on sunday. they are certainly putting in a lot of effort, and its making me feel bad. but feeling bad isnt going to get me to go back. i just got one of those freaky phone calls where someone calls you, and it doesnt show up on caller id, and when you pick up, no one talks. they just sit there, while you are saying hello?...hello??? kelsey saw the ghost girl again today. im starting to wonder if she just follows me or something. because it was at school on the playground. _________________________________ i hope i get to drive today. i was driving in a trance state the other day, known as 'highway hypnosis', and i ended up thinking while in the trance state that if there is a three way stop, and the person in front of me stops at the stop sign and i stop behind them, that i do not have to stop because i already stopped. and that is the stupidest thought in the world. soi commenced to run a stop sign, and the lady coming from the other way honked, which should have been enough for her, becaues it got me out of the trance and made me realize what i was doing wrong, but no, she had to mouth "THERE'S A STOP SIGN THERE" and point with exageration like im incompetent and i cant drive. and it pissed me off greatly, so i sped home 50 in a 35. and freaked my mom out. and she said if i act like that in the future i am not driving any of her cars wheni get my liscence. and i told her that its ok because im buying a volkswwagon bus. but i know that will probably never happen. im a dreamer, but i realize that they are just dreams.
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your gorgeous. =(
i saw one of those on the road the other day, all painted

it was freaking awesome
dude, you started speeding just because sum bitch doesn't understand your unique thoughts on stopping? lol. sorry.
ahhh...ghosts. You never know what to expect or think (whether you beleive in them or not).

taht's exactly what i'm afraid of happening with my little love triangle. But oh well. i'm only 16, things will go on. You look older than 15 by the way...

And you're very pretty.