
ok, well either the cold war portfolio went to my head, or the mix of medications last night had some REALLY weird effects. because this morning when my brother and my mom came downstairs and i was still working, i was rambling about the end of the world and how if one more bomb explodes it would be the end of the world. i have no memory of it, i thought i had this dream where i told my mom the world was gonna end, but i only said it once. in real life, i was going on and on, saying but the worlddsss gonna endddd!!! we have to get rid of all the bombs, cuz the world is gonna endddd!! my mom was just like ok then becca. my brother said i looked like i was high. how he knows what high people look like, i dont know. but i cant say that i didnt look like that since i dont remember it. i do remember that when i got out of bed, to open the door for my mom, i almost passed out, i couldnt see anything or hear anything except for a ringing noise, so i just sat down on the ground. it was weird, and a bit scary. i dont remember almost anythin gi said last night, but i remember being like "time is relative" or something like that to someone....hmm... i dont like not remembering what ive said and done. i also dont remember writing that bathing in smirnoff entry. hmm... me and sarah are cool. sarah is going to take a bath in yogurt and im going to take a bath in smirnoff. and both of us were very tired last night. owwwiee i have a headache... Tourquoise Vibes
Your Energy is Turquoise. Full of fresh ideas,
liveliness, and imagination, you bring faith
and enlightenment to others. You usually
project a calm and cool exterior and are
capable of dealing with demanding events with a
take it in stride attitude. You tend to see
things clearly and dont panic easily. You relate well to the world of ideas and anything
innovative. You would make an excellent
inventor, scientist, quantum physicist, airline
pilot, astronomer or New Age entrepreneur.

What color is your energy?
brought to you by Quizilla my favorite color, and reminds me of me, too... tree shadow
You are a forest shadow. Your essence is that of
the tree or beast that casts you upon the
earth. You feel a purpose to be in balance
with the cycles of life and are wise and
beautiful in your submission to the justice of
Mother Nature. You are peaceful in nature and,
though you feel small, your spirit is precious,
strong, and mighty as the (green)forces with
which it is affiliated. (please rate my quiz
cuz it took me for freaking ever to create)

What Kind of Shadow Are You? (with gorgeous pics)
brought to you by Quizilla night
You're Element is Night. You're a loner who is very
creative but never show your work to anyone.
You may smile a little but sadness or
loneliness surround you and other can feel it
when they're near you. You have a dark or
unusual beauty that makes you mysterious and
you probably have a lot of secrets that you've
never told anyone. You're beauty is intriging
and unorthidox but the real thing that makes
you special is your eyes. Something in them
makes them like "Diamonds in the

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla fa
You are an angel of the forest. You love to have a
good time and to get in trouble. For you, it's
all fun and games. You like to have friends,
preferably not human, and can converse with all
animals. You love to party, and like to be
alone. You are a deep person, but most people
miss it. Thinking that you are just childish
and young. Which you are not. You are old, and
wise, even if nobody can see it. You know what
the real world is like, better that your peers.
You have a naturally beatiful singing voice,
and are a natural with most instruments. You can often loose your self. But will always find
yourself again. For that is just who you are. Be happy. Never change. Because you are beautiful.

What Type Of Angel Have You Become?
brought to you by Quizilla
Read 1 comments
i know! i was like what the hell is she talking about! i would want a hot tub filled with some type of alcohol too!
(or was it a tub?)
- aleksandra