where is the love?

as my mom and i were driving back from dropping one car off at the dealer to get it worked on and picking up the other, the warm, early spring breeze was blowing my hair away from my face because my window was down and i was reclining in my seat with my feet on the dash and watching my surroundings fly by. i was about to close my eyes and pretend i was in florida or hawaii when my mom laughed and pointed at a man walking along the side of the small highway. she said it was because from far away it looked like he was riding a horse, even though he wasnt. it drew my interest, so i kept watching the man. as we grew closer, it looked like he was carrying a baby in something on his back. but when we got even closer, i realized that it was not a baby, it was a bundle, a sleeping bag and a backpack, and the sleeping bag had a sign on it. the sign said FLAT BROKE and then i couldnt read the rest because my mom sped by, did not even slow down. i imagine the whole sign would have been something like FLAT BROKE WILL WORK FOR FOOD or saying help out a fellow christian, a war veteran, or a hippie. all i know is, that i would have stopped and given him money. or taken him to the store to buy him food. helped him in some way, you know? his face was straining with the load, and he had a face that was prematurely wrinkled, with lines from the sun and lines from sorrow. and i just thought, how horible it would be, to be by myself constantly. how alone i would feel. it made me want to walk with him, and talk with him. and it was very sad and i wanted to cry. and she didnt slow down. and its funny because for a second when i first saw his face it looked like the face of jesus. if you were that man, wouldnt you want someone to talk to you? to help you? well, wouldnt you? ____________________ *i need a job *i need to get my permit *i dont have any food for tomorrow *i only have 5 two liter sodas for tomorrow or so *did we blow the speakers last time? i havnt used them in a long time, i was too scared that they were blown *bring your swimsuit tomorrow--hottub *never take any interior design class.
Read 6 comments
i would.

i feel shallow. im all worried about school and my homework and guys...and there are people out on the streets worrying about their lives and whether or not they are going to survive through the night.
one time i saw a homeless person in the city searching through a nasty trashcan looking for food. he pulled out a crunched up mcdonalds bag, and he looked happy. there was prolly like 3 fries left.
that made me want to cry too.
yeah, today was/is so pretty i looooove spring...lol i always lay outside in the late spring/early summer when its not too cold or not too hot...love it
tomorrow is going to be soo fun im excited!! hehe
ly, sare
one time me and my mom saw a homeless guy digging through trash when we were in colorado and we gave him $20. which isnt much to us, but ive never seen someones face light up like that in my life...
omg i that was soo kewl!! your r so sweet i would have helped him to!! i cant wait until morrow! its gunna b so much fun but i cant dance its not pretty LOL
~*kisses*~i dont no if u no this is korkie better known as RaRa!!!
lol, well who knows, the guys face mighta lit up cuz he hadnt smoked a cigartte in a week or gotten drunk in the past few days. i tried to be optimistic that he really wanted food...but ppl are so screwed who knows lol but i gotta goooo ttyl bye bye lyl :D
hy i added u to my friends to!! i bet u can dance and u dont no it i bet u r a dacin machine!! LOL i cant wait until morrow!! well my beds callin my name!! c ya l8r
you dont wanna be in florida..sure its great to visit..but its hell to live here..lol..not as fun/pretty as you all think..lol..
