your feelings, i cant help but rape them

today completely sucked. i need to cry. so im going to go lay on the ground in the rain, and hope i get sick. i got up my courage today. and i talked to him. it was a short conversation, but i was friendly and confident. i hope he goes the same way tomorrow. today never has to happen today. and maybe tomorrow will be better. im wearing JEANS tomorrow! i know i sound like some retarted girl who is obsessed with clothing and whatnot, but it actually is a big deal...i never owned a pair of jeans until a few days ago, not this year at least. no one has seen me wear them to school, ever. i used to eat my troubles away (thus why i am a seven now and no longer a five) to try to fill the emptiness inside me. but im never hungry anymore. your voice is my sustenance. wow, sappy. goodnight everyone. sweet dreams.
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luckey,,,, you get rain
your telling me.

i'm already crying,
have wanted to all week

i obviously suck at being a friend and an overall person.

god damnit
fuck this.

i quit.
fuck this.

i quit.
but how can i make things better? being depressed hasn't helped and when i try to say something about it.. everything i say is wrong.

now i can't stop crying and i dont know what to do.

i didn't mean to do this.

i hope you beleive me.
funny thing is that i have a big assignment due tommorow and i just can't stop thinking about how one of my ABSOLUTE best friends just wants to give up and not try to help this. i didn't mean to say it like that. i missed out on so much and i wanted to be caught up and now i just feel like i am rejected and unwanted. for real. my 'friendship's aboutsolutely suck right now. because of me.

hello pretty girl. sorry your day sucked. and i know what it's like to talk to somebody you may like. kinda nerve racking, but feels good afterwards. anyway, you are very pretty, you don't have anything to worry about. feel better. adios
no.. what you say does help. its just that i am so incredibly stressed and sad right now that i dont want to wait. you know what i mean? i just want things to be ok in the snap of my fingers. i just dont want it to be like this. i want things to be fine. i dont want to be sad anymore.

but thanks:D you really do help.

for sure.
heh you crack me up. i could live in jeans. i do, kind of. heh oh well lol bye ly
i kno what u mean..i have jeans but i dont wear em often bc idk they dont fit me right and its just frusterating trying to find ones that do plus...
[Anonymous] comfy pants r just more comfy!lol!but yea i love the jeans!woOt!i kno what ur feeling i was the same..(no longer a five durnit)yea i should..
stop eating my problems away.that solves nothing.i luv u oodles and ill see ya at the concert tonight!~nicole