close my eyes, let the whole thing pass me by

Listening to: korn-dead
the neighbor is mowing the lawn. ow ow. so, sarah, you need to come up to my house, like right now. hehe i saw friend walking home today. we met eyes. again. predator eyes. but, happy predator eyes. i feel like a rabbit. meh. boring. i may dye my hair tonight. who knows. meh. MK. so. dying my hair tomorrow. its goingto be more bold this time. like, BOLD. how and burgandy streaks? yep. i almost wish i could do the whole thing burgandy and then do black streaks. but thats a bit too amibitious for me right now. im surprised my mom even let me do burgandy, since it isnt a color found naturally in hair. i wish all my hair was black. hmm..idea for the future. _____________________________________ im staying at kelseys house all weekend. i hope i have time friday tho. before i go to her house...ill just tell my mom im takinga walk in the woods...i love the woods __________________________________ HAVE YOU...... 1. Kissed your cousin: nope 2. Ran away: ive thought about it seriously a few times. the closest ive ever been was in gulf shores (i would have if i had known my way around) and then a night a few weeks ago. the night im not telling you what happened. i got real close...i stood on the street corner for around 20 minutes because my feet wanted to keep walking. but i dont have any money. and our neighborhood isnt the best anymore, for a teenage girl. the night was calling me. 3. Pictured your crush naked: duh 4. Skipped school: no. im thinking about skipping that thing tomorrow tho. if htey dont take attendance. 5. Broken someone's heart: i'm not sure. maybe? 6. Been in love: i believe so 7. Cried when someone died: yes 8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: dur 9. Broken a bone: nope. 10. Done something embarrassing: oh dont even want to know. horrible. 12. Cried in school: once, when things were going bad between me and him, i started crying at school. that is the only time ive cried in public since i was little. i usually keep a rock hard facade. no smiles, no tears. WHICH IS BETTER 13. Coke or Pepsi: vanilla coke 14. Sprite or 7UP: sprite 15. Girls or Guys: for friends, both. guys are less gossipy, so they can be good friends. but i don't know any guy that could sit around just eating cookie dough with you talking about whatever. 16. Flowers or Candy: flowers...i love plants 17. Scruff or Clean shaved: whatever looks good 18. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes 19. Bitchy or Slutty: lol. what a strange question. i guess slutty...honestly people. why does it matter, if the person is nice? are you really not gonna be friends with her because she's had sex or something? well, i judge people by their character, not by their virginity. thank you very much. 20. Tall or Short: taller than me 21. Pants or Shorts: pants 22. Night or Day: NIGHT WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX 23. What do you notice first: Eyes, smile 24. Last person you slow danced with: wow. um...tom?? haha. or actually that one kid at that mixer, that slowdanced with both me and kelsey. cbc i think it was. 25. Worst Question To Ask: i dont know. im not a guy. 26. Showered: this morning 27. Stepped outside: earlier today 28. Had Sex: id tell you. but since people tend to make a big deal about it, no thanks. 29. Romantic memory: is this favorite or most recent? well favorite...was prolly walking hand in hadn with this guy matt from tennessee on the beach, and talking. we got real far away from all the hotels, there werent really people there anymore, btu there were hundreds and hundreds of seagulls. so i let go of his hand and ran and scared all the seagulls away, and when i came back he swept me up into a kiss on the beach. 30. Your Good Luck Charm: this is gonna sound weird. but my pink thong with the beads. the beads all came off but i still wear it. im sure you awnted to know. 31. Person You Hate Most: really no one 32. Best Thing That Has Happened: i dunno 33.On your desk: trash, hair dye, clock, subwoofer/speakers, computer, cds, cd-roms, cd burning stuff, dvds, yearbook, sketchbook, clock, picture you can tell, its a mess. this is where i live in my house. 34. Picture on your desktop: 35. Color: blue, purple, black 36. Movie: the dead poets society, cruel intentions, the matrix 37. Artist or band: hm..i dunno anymore. i like so many. korn, adema, staind, weezer, ptw, ah, i give up... 38. Cars: i want a tiberon. ill prolly end up with my moms camry or something else like it 39. Ice Cream: cookie dough without chocolate chips, creamsickle, cookies n cream 41. Breakfast Food: breakfast pizza or, my favorite. junk. 42. Makes you laugh the most: i dunno? 43. Makes you smile: im not sure. i dont know that i smile that much. i think ive been smiling more lately tho 44. Can make you feel better no matter what: sleeping, drinking 45. Has A Crush On You: ha. no one. thanks for asking. 46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: friend neighbor shadow 47. Who Has it easier? duh, guys 48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: friend neighbor DO YOU EVER 49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no 50. Save AIM conversations: sometimes. ones i want to remember or are important to me 51. Save E-mails: i dont erally use email much 52. Forward secret E-mails: no 53. Wish you were someone else: sometimes 54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no 55. Wear perfume: yes. lucky you. 56. Kiss: not much. i guess. well, when i have a boyfriend. 57. Cuddle: i like cuddling 58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: lol, yes. im a dork, i know. i think my record for being on the computer the WHOLE time was 10 hours or so HAVE YOU EVER 59. Fallen for your best friend?: nope 60. Made out with JUST a friend?: nope 61. Kissed two people in the same day?: yep 62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: haha. nope. 63. Been rejected: i dont think so. not that anyone had the chance...i just dont take chances. 64. Been in love?: i believe so. actually, you already asked 65. Been in lust?: yes 66. Used someone?: i dont think so 67. Been used?: yes 68. Cheated on someone?: yes (wow, i sound bad) 69. Been cheated on?: yes 70. Been kissed?: yes 71. Done something you regret?: i dont regret. it is a waste of time. think about how you are going to fix what you did, dont wish you hadnt done it. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON... 72. You touched?: hm...i think in choir when we give each other massages, kelsey 73. You talked to?: kelsey 74. You hugged?: um...courtney i think 75. You instant messaged?: kelsey 76. You kissed?: nathan 77. You yelled at?: brett i think 78. You thought about?: no comment 79. Who text messaged you?: dont got no cell phone haha 80. Who broke your heart?: matthew 81. Who told you they loved you?: no comment. that isnt my right to tell DO YOU... 82. Color your hair? tomorrow. they cut off my black tips. so burgandy and black streaks now. 83. Have tattoos?: not yet. i want to get one in the next year or two, hoepfully this winter. its better to get them in winter, because they arent as exposed to the elements, and they have time to heal before you show them off. 84. Have piercings?: 5 ears. used to have 7 but two got infected and closed up, and i dont have money to get them back. 85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope. single n lovin it. right. but lets see...its been...almost 3 weeks? it doesnt seem like its been that long. 86. Own a webcam?: nope 87. Own a thong?: thats mostly all i wear. not that you care. im just used to them and they are more comfy. i need more right dog kinda..had fun. anyone up for a pretzel run? 88. Ever get off the damn computer?: im only on on nights 89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? im supposed to be learning for germany this summer. the gayass program doesnt teach, just quizzes. so i have no idea what im doing. 90. Habla espanol?: no 91. Quack?: moo? HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU... 92. Stolen anything?: not really 93. Smoke?: have...i have a feeling i will again someday. 94. Schizophrenic?: soemtimes i think i am. my gma who is COMING TO STAY WITH US THIS FUCKING WEEKEND UNTIL SUMMER is. she watches me. so this should be fun. please keep me busy all summer guys! otherwise ill have to run away or soemthng. 95. Obsessive?: not really 96. Compulsive?: doesnt that mean doing things randomly? then sometimes 97. Obsessive compulsive?: nope 98. Panic?: maybe once or twice a month 99. Anxiety?: not erally. im shy, but not to a huge extent 100. Depressed?: used to be badly. now every now and then i feel it, btu not really.
Read 8 comments
ahahahaha. who's the neighbor?!
and who's "friend"???? goddamn, i am so nosy but it's ok. well, not really. lol, i'm sorry. i defintely understand if you don't wanna tell who it is cuz im like that all the time. and im rambling so im going. bye bye lyl, me
oo what color r u dying ur hair? i guess ill have a surprise in im so gay.its k..i liiike this neighbor hotttttt or something acuz u said ow ow and im thinkin yes so im also thinkin i want to b thurre right now.ahh i cant do this biology thingy mabob..i cant find it in the stuupid book. o well i guess..darn.lyl~coley
awesome!!(about both! like the streak too scared to even try ahh i cant wait til friday to see how it looks!yeaya!!good luck with teh bio papers(i gave up)~nicole
sounds like a plan to me..definately what i plan on!man im tired too.~nicole
i have decided that it is a must that i meet this kid. lol ly, me
have i heard of what? okay obviously not..
ew that's insane cutting clubs. that makes me sick to my stomache.
I did something today that reminded me of you in a sense. I was on the way to school and listened to dream on. All I could think was Dream on for the rest of the day. Dream on girl, Dream on.