we couldnt wait to get outside

Listening to: blink 182
i couldnt wait till i got home to pass the time in my room alone F e e l i n g s [x] Worst Feeling in the world: hopelessness [x] Best feeling in the world: understanding [x] Can you define love?: a feeling evoked by a need for the human race to keep on going (because every species wants to survive) so individuals feel love for each other and produce offspring to keep the species going; animal instinct. theres your definition. [x] Do you get along with your parents?: is that supposed to be funny? what do YOU think? [x] Are you ticklish?: everywhere F a v o r i t e s 1] Letter?: stupid question 2] Number?: 13 3] Drink?: surge 4] Color?: blue, black 5] Animal?: i guess wolf 6] Person?: all of my close friends (my second family) 7] CD?: i guess korn issues 8] Car?: tiberon 9] Ice cream flavor?: cookies n cream 10] Day of the week?: friday 11] Soda/Juice?: soda 12] Boys/Girls?: neither 13] Love/Hate?: neither 14] Sex/Cuddling?: not sure 15] Pepsi/Coke?: pepsi twist, vanilla coke 16] Friday/Saturday?: friday 17] Shoes/Sandals?: barefoot 18] Hugs/Kisses?: both 19] Punk/Goth?: me 20] Cartoons/News?: news, i like to know whats going on 21] Would you get into a fight for your friends?: probably 23] Ever gotten into a fight with your friends?: mainly with certain individuals 24] What did you fight about?: lets just say i guess i hold high standards for my friends 25] Worst thing you’ve ever done to them?: revenge 26] Worst thing they’ve ever done to you?: ignorance 27] Do you love your friends?: the ones i CONSIDER my friends, yes i love them dearly 28] Do they love you?: i hope so 29] Done anything you regret doing with them?: not really 30] Do you fight a lot?: only with certain people 31] Have you ever been in love?: maybe 33] Do you still love them?: there is a difference between love and being in love 35] Do you miss them?: he was a prick 36] Do you regret them?: i cant regret things,if things didnt happen then my life would be different, and im not sure if it would be in a good or a bad way 37] If you could hold them right now would you: fuck off with the sentimental shit 38] If you could kiss them right now would you: "" 39] If you could start all over would you?: "" 40] If you had a choice of meeting them for the first time, would you turn away or introduce yourself?: run for the hills, johnny!! 41] Most romantic thing: trust 42] Have you ever had the tingly feeling inside your tummy from someone?: it was the rum 43] Do you like any of your good friends?: Of course…but not in a relationship way 44] If so do they know?: --- 45] Who is usually the first to tell someone they like them you or the other person?: things happen as they happen 46] If you could be with someone right now who would it be?: a certain guy that is enjoying florida 47] Do you base your attraction upon personality?: mostly yes 48] Have you ever been cheated on?: god yes 49] Have you ever cheated?: yes, but he had 2 other girlfriends, so he deserved the three people i cheated on him with. B o y s + G i r l s 50] Favorite thing about the opposite sex?: the way they arent all gossipy 51] Least favorite thing about the opposite sex?: SOME: sexism, yes im equal to you, it takes both men AND women to keep humanity going. 52] When you first see someone what is the first thing you notice?: their hair 54] Do you prefer cute or hot?: personality...if a guy is hot and he is a total asshole, it doesnt matter that he is hot. 55] Do you have a Bf/Gf?: nathan! erased question 57] One thing you love about them?: he is always there for me 58] Boys are: sex crazed 59] Girls are: gossipy L a s t.. 60] Fight you were in?: jake or courtney 61] Person you yelled at?: brett 62] Thing you touched?: keyboard 63] Person you IM-ed?: im not even sure, i think it was cedric 64] Person that IM-ed you?: cedric i think 65] Word you said?: (fuck) off 66] Time you smiled?: just now, talking to aleksandra 67] Person that smiled at you?: aleksandra 68] Laughed?: yesterday 69] Cried?: dont ask B a s i c s [x] Full name: Rebecca Lauren Hancock [x] Nicknames: BECCA, beca, becky, 'the deep alonebenditlikebekham' [x] Screen name: butterflygrl0318, dreamer12889, itsallfalsehope [x] Sex: female [x] Birthday: january 28, 1989 [x] Height: 5’5 [x] Hair color: brown with black tips [x] Is your hair long or short: long-ish [x] Eye color: dark brown [x] City born in: well, we lived in valley park, but i was born at a hospital in st louis? [x] Location now: fenton [x] Siblings: brett, 13 [x] Parents married/divorced: married --> C r u s h i n ' [x] Pre-school: there was this one guy who was twice my age at kindercare who was a rocker, and i had the biggest crush on him...that was back in the days of POGS and the macerana (sp?)...i miss the 90s haha [x] Kindergarten: lol..nick powers [x] 1st Grade: none [x] 2nd Grade: none [x] 3rd Grade: none [x] 4th Grade: none [x] 5th Grade: none [x] 6th Grade: lol..jake [x] 7th Grade: jake, sean, piero, chris flinn lol [x] 8th Grade: no one for the longest time, and then barry, frankie, matt (the 15 year old one) [x] 9th Grade: jeez...tom, trevor, kevin, dan, other dan, stephen, nathan [x] Boy/Girlfriend status: yesm, nathan carlstedt, and we are good, thank you very much. --> O t h e r [x] Do you have a job: soon [x] What are you scared of: not much, anymore. [x] Who's your role model: socrates, plato [x] Most interesting thing you've done this summer: you do NOT want to know [x] What store do you shop at the most: i dont shop much, when i do, forever 21 [x] Have you ever done any drugs: the dreaded pills that my friends all hate [x] Do you collect anything: memories, knowledge [x] Are you a ditz: sometimes --> N i g h t T i m e [x] What do you wear to bed: varies [x] What's your bed time: i go to bed when i feel like it, it varies between 10 30 and 1, but its usually around 11 30- midnight [x] Do you wish on stars: i have before, but there isnt really a point [x] Is there a TV in your room: no, my parents think if there is a tv in my room i will spend all my time in my room and isolate myself from the family, which i do anyway when i am not on the computer [x] What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: read, ponder things --> M i s c e l l a n e o u s [x] How many schools have you been to: 3 [x] Are you passive or aggressive: passive except when extremely annoyed [x] Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla [x] Would you rather be hot or cold: 70 degrees with a breeze and no humidity [x] What is your curfew: im not sure, actually thank you to salmon for the survey i broke a little bit through last night... i traced the cord back to the wall no wonder it was never plugged in at all aleksandra and i are most certainly going to the linkin park, korn, and the used concert this summer. who wants to come with us??
Read 9 comments
hey! i havent been on here in awhile! ahh i wanna go to the concert! can i go with you guys? kk well just let me kno. see ya in bio! lyl ~nicole
[raises hand]im coming!
oOoOo nathan is coming back tomorrow..
Die Reise war aber shon, und sie haben viele shone abendteur gehabt. lol german
yeah, we should carpool or somethin ya no? yeahhh ill give you the number when i get it from jamie w0ot. k ly
lol yupp

i just have...a gay child development project and a history worksheet.

ive decided that this is the last night im doing homework until we come back froms pring break.

im taking my spring break a week early. im not going to pay attention in class or take notes.

but, eventually the goody goody in me will come out and i'll do my homework.



i havent done any hw yet. whoops.
lol i know its 9:15

what's sad is that i'm already almost done with my child development project and just started it 15 minutes ago. well actually, i already had the info so yeah. a;kldfja;ldj lol
haha dontchya love when that happens

but i think im gonna go im sure ill be back later bye ly!
actually im gonna stay on cuz i dont feel like doing history lol