
im trying, i really am, for real im not throwing my life away, its really hard for me to concentrate, otherwise i wouldnt be crying while you yell at me about excuses and bad behavior and time for me to grow up. maybe ill take caffiene. im not even tired. maybe it will help. i cant breathe. i really am trying, can you please, try to put yourself in my shoes? please? i love the rush. i dont care if it will make my inability to concentrate worse. i love how the shadows of tears itch. sitDiary doesnt seem to have a very large online insomnia community. or maybe its the time difference. it probably is, im probably dumb. its one in the morning and it feels like an afternoon. its making me want to play sports or something. i can definitly say that if im at school tomorrow it will be against my will BUT, for pride's sake only (and my grades), ill figure some way to email my report to mr batcheller.
Read 11 comments
wow u totally look and remind me of my best friend, will u b? (my best friend)
oh and "don't forget to brethe...." (from the static lullaby CD) it's good for ya
i know for real. and im done with my homework (except for the crap i dont care about) and im still staying up cuz im cool, duh! hwo much do you have left.
becca thats not good! thats, like, a pill every 8 hours...thats 800 mg of caffeine plus whatever other caffeine youve taken in just a little more than 24 hours, not good not good!!!
lol no i odnt think ur addicted but i dont know what high amounts of caffeine can do to a person. especially cool people such as ourselves, cuz things seem to affect us differently, just the laws of nature i suppose
very funny comments.
very many comments.
why you may ask?
cuz were cool

if other people were cool, theyd be leaving very cool comments and very many comments on our journal as well, but ya no, its just not possible... too bad for them
i just read that survival of the fittest comment. i have a biology test tomorrow and if it says "what is an example of survival of the fittest" ill say "well mr neil, for example me and becca were the coolest people" and hell be like "yeah i know, everyone does" and ill be like "yeah well eventually everyone will be as cool as us because of surival of the fittest. were the coolest, the fittest. everyone will be like us" and hell be like...
"to bad im not gonna be alive then cuz i would really wanna be cool like you and becca." and then ill say "yeah, i know its tough" and he'll say "at least i can say i knew you sarah" and then ill get 100% on my test cuz im one of the two coolest ppl in thisworld and mr neil is jealous and grateful for knowing us
that'd be so tight
i already have the topic sentence in mind
"becca and sarah are the coolest because it is just the law of nature, but i will go into more detail and examples"
or maybe just
"becca and sarah are the coolest"
yes that could work
yeah and then we would teach a class called "how to try to be as cool as becca and sarah" everyone knows you cant be as cool, but they'll try really hard and that will be the coolest class and everyone in it will be semi cool. it will be, well, cool.
yeah and then a test question will be like
who is/are the coolest person/people ever
a. lauren b the slut
b. sarah and becca
c. john d
d. santa claus

and then if anyone puts a c or d well make them sex it up with a monkey
and thenw rite a 978345236 page report about why were the coolest, giving examples and citing sources
and this has been much fun but have to go...ahh necessito sleep lol bye bye cya tomorrow?