damn terrorists

Listening to: aerosmith-dream on
haha...i just recorded my dogs barking, and played it back and they started going crazy barking...good times.. well, today was interesting. i was yay close to getting in a crapload of trouble. you wanna know why? because i didnt get very much sleep last night, and when i walk around in a half daze, im fucking stupid. yes, well fuckingstupidbecca eats on the floor in the activity lobby with a group of friends, yes? yes. fuckingstupidbecca sets her stuff down and starts talking. sets her purse down to the left, and her backpack down to her right. the bell rings, its the end of lunch, and fuckingstupidbecca picks up her tray and gets her backpack on, and throws away her trash and goes back to math to try desperately not to fall asleep. see anything wrong with that picture? o, um, did i mention that there was a bottle opener and a bunch of caffiene pills in fuckingstupidbecca's purse? when i went down later to get it, and they had the police officer escort me to get it, i thought i was fucked. luckily, the custodian who had picked it up had not looked through it to see if there was a name inside of it. otherwise i would be wooo in trouble right now. i hate today. im taking it out on everyone else, i was soo crabby... i hate it. im gonna go back to bed and sleep for two weeks. fuck. [in an unnaturally loud voice] the bottle opener is for juice, ya know. duh, what did you think? hehe ______________________________ hehe, i forgot to mention that kelsey, nicole, and i got a 39/40 on our oral quiz!! and we didnt know it!! so it was awesome! all worked up over nothin...(me) and, then i feel horrible for thinking about my problems. Spain got brutally attacked today. terrorism. i hate this world... i think that schools in the united states should hold a moment of silence for spain. because, a lot of other countries did that for the united states. and the united states has a lot more to be sorry for than spain. its strange...exactly two and a half years after the attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon...
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u forgot that we got a 39 outa 40 on our bio quiz!! woOt!! and it was really dumb bc i didnt kno ne of the answers..im not complaining tho!lyl~nicoley