Meaning? lyke, what's that?

Listening to: sandstorm
The sense of meaning is so warped in today's world. b/c u kno, like, shopping has more meaning than, like, ppl dying. like, whoa, im kewl, LOL. Everyone wake up from candyland. If for nothing else, care because you or someone you care about could be next. The people dying on the news is a constant these days. The nightly news is a whirring hum in the background noise of dinner. It blends in with everything else, with the so how was school have you done your homework yet. Just another opposite, just another regret, just another problem with today's society. [this entry is not directed towards anyone that knows me, just so you know. if you would like to know who it is towards, just ask.] _________________________________________ I am now fully convinced of my brother's shallow and ignorant beliefs. I showed him an entry that has a lot of meaning, and read it to him. I asked him his thoughts. He replied with "that's stupid." I asked why. He said "It just is. The end is really stupid." I said "I think you think it is stupid becuase you don't understand it." He said, "So? Tell that person that their basketball team sucks." I said "Brett, you know, there is more to life than sports for a lot of people in the world. I doubt they care." He said "Is that person a druggie?" I got pissed off and said "You are so stupid. You think anyone that is not concerned with sports or labels is a druggie." He stormed off, and it is now set in my mind that he may possess some intelligence, but he is not deep at all, and he has marginal understanding and openmindedness.
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lol so just joking...but i always talk to my dad on msn i/m when hes at work and he thinks we spell it "kewl" he is very annoying lol
but anyways... it was this kiask that i got these incense from at the navy pier which is like a mall kind of on the lake so i dont think that there would be one similar in stl, another reason to hate stl haha lol k ly
i cant even put into words how much i hate st louis. yuck. it is a disgrace to all cities. LyKe LoL wE aRe So KeWl LyKe WoW
haha sadly enough,i ve seen that diary the one that the entrys are all like "the one about..." haha w0ot ly