i DO NOT have a name for my mattress

"A man tapes an interview with himself, where he is the only participant, and his voice is the only question." So the point of this is to highlight and BOLD the things that are true about you, but replace the things that aren't true with things that are in regular text. I'm gonna try it out, we'll see how it goes. 01. I am a dreamer. 02. I want to be a footnote in a book someday. 03. I am not colorblind. 04. Kurt Cobain is quite possibly the only person whose corpse I would seriously consider having sex with. 05. I have seen snow before. 06. I always forget when I am cooking and start kitchen catastrophies. (semi. like when i forget i'm holding the electronic mixer and i lift up my hands to emphasize what im saying and batter goes all over the kitchen. im a bad cook. id be a bad wife.) 07. I don't like men, but I don't like women either. i mean that in a completely non-sexual way. guys hurt me. women are too gossipy. i just dont like people in general, except for a few. now, that doesnt mean i dont LIKE guys. wow. yeah i do. 08. I have never had a girlfriend/boyfriend, but I would like to someday. 09. I feel like I was born in the wrong time period. definitely. i should have been this age in the late 60s. 10. I want to live in a downtown studio apartment, but I also want a house with a wrap-around porch. i think im ruining this survey by typing comments, but i dont care. i have conflicting personalities. they used to conflict worse, but i think i want the wrap around porch house more. 11. I have the black thumb of death when it comes to plants and/or small pets. 12. Sometimes, I talk to myself. only in my head. 13. If any small, sharp, pain inducing object is on the floor/ground, my foot will find it. but it doesnt matter, because i walk around barefoot outside all the time so my feet are tough as leather. 14. I love to be barefoot. yep. winter, summer, inside, outside, driving a car. i like all barefoot. 15. Some music makes me sad. And I like it. yep. 16. I love giving gifts to people, even if it’s not a special day. if only i had more money. 17. I want to be a revolution all by myself. no. but i want to start/be part of a revolution. an age of aquarius revolution. 18. I don't know what I want to be. I am torn between journalist, record store owner, or human rights lawyer. what the eff is with this survey? it describes me with a lot of this stuff. the other day i was thinking about how i have such a passion for contemporary issues, that maybe i SHOULD be a lawyer, even though i would hate to put murderers and rapists back out on the street. but, my dream is to be a travel-section journalist/photojournalist. 19. I have never seen The Godfather or Pulp Fiction. i guess maybe there is something wrong with me. 20. I like getting things in the mail. 21. I'd be ashamed if I were ever First Lady--why not just go for the gold? not ashamed, because i would be proud of my husband. but i think i would rather be president than first lady. but according to mr batcheller, that will never happen. the world is still up with gender stereotypes, if a woman was elected president the united states would have the image of weakness. 22. I pretend that everything is okay to protect the ones I love. 23. I am anal about my feet and hands--I like for them to always be clean. If they are dirty, I feel gross until I get to a sink. 24. I procrastinate. A lot. 25. I have trouble not singing to songs I know. Even if I hate them. yep thats me. everyone is like but i thought you hated that song. and im like, i do. but its in my head. (i need to stop saying like. ugh) 26. I am happier as an atheist or pagan than I ever was as a Christian. yeah...i think so. 27. My whole family thinks that I am just going through a phase. the whole revolution thing. 28. I love to take pictures, even tho! ugh I don’t get to do it as much as I’d like. YES!! my favorite thing my parents have ever given me is that digital camera!!! i LOVE taking pictures!! 29. I sometimes get jealous. don't we all? 30. I am a lot more bisexual than I will ever admit to most people. 31. My parents are divorced. And I'm glad. 32. I'm a packrat. I never throw anything out. not unless im feeling in a very let go start over kind of mood. and then i hate myself for it later. 33. Going to the beach during a hurricane and a really good concert are my chosen religious experiences. 34. I need a vacation from myself. 35. I speak only English fluently, and that makes me sad. i feel so ignorant. so...american. american in the bad way. i love that our country is free, but i hate this nationalism. 36. I'm a desperate insomniac. it seems to be getting better though. 37. I'm a music snob, and this doesn't bother me. 38. I love candle-light. YESSS! i need to get money for more candles and insence. it bothers me that im not getting stomach aches from breathing in so much smoke. it had become my oxygen. 39. When I was really little, I asked my mom if I could marry my dad. She said no, and! I was mad. 40. I don't like makeup, but I like the way my cheeks get flushed after being out in the snow, or the slight red I get when I have a mild sunburn on my face. sort of. she has changed me sort of. its still me! in here, under all this makeup! i swear! 41. I am addicted to 24. 42. I take really, really, really long baths; I read whole books in one bath. People used to worry about me, so I started putting up signs. Now that I'm in college, nobody really notices. 43. I think I have the capacity for alcoholism. genetically i have 75% chance of being an alcoholic. i tried my first beer at age 3. 44. If I ever got jury duty, I would be ecstatic. I think it sounds like such fun. 45. Money is very important to me. 46. I have a lot of issues with my family. Especially my mother. ***especially steve. that man who lives in my house who calls himself my father but i secretly suspect he isnt even though somehow i have seemed to inherit his nose. the one who calls me slut. 47. I am the oldest child. 48. I have a great boyfriend and still wonder about the possibilities. 49. I piss myself off a lot. 50. I am loved. unless they lie. 51. Words fascinate me. i can express myself so much better by writing than by talking. 52. I am very independent. i think so at least. my mother tells me i am, too. 53. I need more sleep!! 54. My car is/will be one of the most important things to me. It is my key to freedom; my escape, should I need one. desperately awaiting that day. 55. People think I'm funny. 56. I think I'm funny, too. 57. My boyfriend gave me too many stuffed animals and I had to put them in a box in the attic when I left for college. I still feel guilty. 58. I'm scatter-brained. 59. I love period costumes, and want to wear them every day. 60. I can dance, but I can’t... it’s odd. 61. I am always reading at least one book. usually more. like 5. 62. I wish I could fly. freedom. 63. I'm afraid of heights. well, afraid of falling great heights. 64. I have a lot of drive, but have problems keeping interest in things I have started. 65. I love to argue. 66. I have an innie belly button. 67. I suffer from chronic pain. 68. I should be asleep right now. 69. I have strong affection for ice cream. 70. When people ask me if I smoke, I smile and say, "Not cigarettes." 71. I have a fetish for 80's music. A big one. 72. I think I have an unhealthy obsession with music. But I don't mind. after my parents blocked the music channels i stopped watching tv. now i just listen to the stations on my computer. and i like my obsession with music, thankyouverymuch. 73. Once, I was able to have a lucid dream, but it was so exhausting that I've never tried it again. 74. I would love to have more money. 75. I have a habit of arguing with the television. 76. I just found out that blue was the original color of St. Patrick's Day. from this survey. unless its lying. 77. I like to surprise my friends with stupid trivia. 78. I love politics. love-hate relationship. it certainly works me up to the point where i want it to go away. 79. I am having an identity crisis. 80. I like jigsaw puzzles from time to time. 81. I am crazy. but only sometimes. 82. I enjoy eating tomato sandwiches. Aw Hell, why not? 83. I hate George W. Bush with every fiber of my being. 84. I keep notes on the things that Texas has done to piss me off. 85. I can be very stubborn. 86. I don't make my bed in the morning, I make it right before I go to bed. actually i dont make it at all. whats the point? no one is gonna be in there but me anyway. 87. I need more clothes. 88. I still stick my tongue out at people. (jokingly/flirtatiously) 89. I don't like to yawn in front of people. I have a really bad yawn face. 90. If I had the money, I would buy DVD box sets of all my favorite TV shows. 91. We used to cruise at the Oceanfront with the windows down, blasting Bon Jovi (mostly either You Give Love a Bad Name or Livin' on a Prayer.) 92. I am still afraid of the dark. 93. I believe in ghosts, or at least I wish I did. somewhat. 94. I love hugs only from certain people. (friends, boyfriends) 95. I like to watch movies that I've already seen with people who haven't. 96. I am very picky with some things, others I don’t worry about. 97. Purple is my favorite color. 98. I have a sticker that says "sinner" on my car. 99. I wonder if anyone has de-bolded and changed number 100 since the first occurrence of this survey. 100. I have a name for my mattress. 101. Doing all this html is driving me crazy.
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