penelope elizabeth sisson

Word of the Day: alienist Penelope was born on 22 November, 2008, at 10:04 PM. Once again, I was told earlier in the day that I had a UTI [which is what happened to trigger labor with Patrick, but I think I really was in labor but just a little dehydrated], and, once again, I gave birth without the help of pain medication. Not by choice, but because there was just no time. They sent me home to rest, but by the evening, my contractions were worse than before and we decided to just go back to the hospital. We got there around 8:45-ish, and Penelope was born at 10:04. It was agonizing, but also very short, so I wasn't much bothered by the labor after the fact. And now, the most important thing:
Very first picture.
On the scale, the reading is 7 lbs, 1.5 oz.
The nurses were so unprepared that they didn't have the scale in the room nor did they have anything to write her stats down on, so they jotted down the time, weight, and length on a paper towel. She was 7 lbs, 2 oz and 19.5 inches long [though they first measured her at 18.5 inches long].
Penny, meet Mommy.
Daddy and brother Patrick.
Pretty eyes.
Close-ups of Penelope while in the hospital.
Chillaxing at home in her bassinette.
One of my favorite pictures of Patrick when he was in the hospital, for comparison.
Read 10 comments
Oh my gosh, these pictures are so precious. Both of your kids are so adorable. It must make you so happy to have such a great family.
I started crying. She is beautiful and I am so happy for you guys!
congrats, shes so beautiful!!!! and im going to say this, for all the other girls that didnt.... im so jealous of how you look in that pic with her! straight out of a movie... you look AMAZING for have just given birth.. haha :)
all of my best. you are a most amazing monther and i can only wish i could truly express to you my love and admiration. if i had the energy i would worship you. instead i only love you. be well. and don't forget to take time for yourself. sanity is important. -matt
Oww! Congratulations!

They look so similar as babies, hehe.
oh wow...congratulations! she is beautiful, darling. absolutely, positively. good luck in the coming weeks! and remember, you can never post too many pictures. :D xoxo, cora
Congratulations! they both look the same as infants, heh.
congrats woman!
holy crap- they're like identical! SHe is BEAUTIFUL! I hope to have such an easy birth :)
[Anonymous (]
Congratulations :] both of your kids are beautiful :]